How do we get a full resolution thumbnail from the video? Let's say the video is in 4K. Is it possible for us to extract 1 frame from the video...
Hi, is it possible to remove the material ripple effect when the button is pressed?
Hello, thanks for providing this CRAZY SIMPLE libray!!! I have a little problem though. 1. How do you detect only QR Codes? I tried to scan other type of barcodes...
Hello, Is it possible to choose a preview resolution? We would like to be able to choose available camera resolution preview on ScannerLiveView to fit the device screen. Is it...
This is a superb layout library, but I am facing a serious problem. > collectionView.register(UINib(nibName: "LoadingFooterCollectionReusableView", bundle: nil), forSupplementaryViewOfKind: UICollectionElementKindSectionFooter, withReuseIdentifier: "loadingFooterIdentifier"); > > //The delegate function below is no...
``` options.updateValue(CRToastType.navigationBar.rawValue as NSObject, forKey: kCRToastNotificationTypeKey as NSObject); CRToastManager.showNotification(options: options, completionBlock: nil); ``` Even after setting kCRToastNotificationTypeKey to navigationbar, it still only cover the status bar. This problem does not...
how do we create a proper Semi Circular Slider that has "steps" line division. I have checked out many packages on pub.dev but they doesn't seem to provide a proper...
Ho do we create an InputImage if all we have Uint8List? How do we create the Plane object needed? The link below from the Google ML Kit Github page doesn't...
When the app is opened in landscape mode, the NativeDeviceOrientationReader returns 0 degree. Any idea how to rectify this issue? Thank you
I would like to perform something similar to Vignette, but instead of Darken the edges, I would like to make a transparent gradient of the edges EXAMPLE (STEP 3) https://i.stack.imgur.com/WxMI1.jpg...