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Latency issues
At one point whenever I used DS4Windows the emulated controller would have horrible latency.This would persist through PC restarts, restarting DS4Windows, removing the device and connecting it again, removing the bluetooth adapter and connecting it again. It's not the bluetooth that is the problem because i tested the controller without DS4Windows and it works just fine. Deleting DS4Windows(local, portable install) and redownloading it seems to have fixed the problem. Sorry I can't give any more information because I really dont know what might have caused it, it just happened. Just to let you know.
Also, I even tried using a different controller, as I have 2. Nothing changed. Only deleting and redownloading DS4Windows fixed the problem. It was the same version.
I'm having problems with latency too ! I bought a DS4 only to use in my PC, because i saw DS4Windows and it looked pretty awesome. The first time I pair my controller trough bluetooth, the red light started to flash because the latency was around 30ms. After restarting the computer, the latency was around 5ms, but sometimes I still got high latency issues. I'm using a 2.0 Bluetooth from a HP Printer, and 2 cheap dongles I borrowed from my brother. Before DS4Windows, I was using motioninjoy for my DS3 (yeah... i know...), maybe thats the problem, it fuc*** my drivers or something like that. My father's notebook with intregated bluetooth works like a charm, 2ms latency... I'll try to do a clean install and see if i can solve the problem.
Possibly similar to chrippa/ds4drv#42
I have super high latency as well - 30ms and when it sits idle goes up to 75ms. I never used any other bluetooth software before this on this Windows install and I have plugged directly into the rear of computer and I'm holding the controller ~3ft away.
SOLVED. At least for me. By default, Windows puts computers, even desktop computers, on "Balanced Power Mode." I put it on high performance and my Input Delay went from 30-80ms to 2ms.
@Konng @danielbibit
I was able to solve this with a different approach and thought I'd share it. You know, gotta give back to the internet from time to time. I opened the Windows device manager and clicked View > "Devices by connection". This will let you see which port your Bluetooth dongle is connected to.
Expand the tree as follows, or as closely as you can.
ACPI x64-based PC
└ PCI Express Root Complex
└ Standard OpenHCD USB Host Controller
└ USB Root Hub
└ <Your Bluetooth Dongle>
Right click on "USB Root Hub" Click Properties Click the Power Management tab Uncheck the box that says "Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power" Click OK and you should be good. If not, try restarting your PC.
Again, your tree in the device manager will probably look different, but hopefully the example above will help folks.
*Edit: I originally said to change the power setting on the Bluetooth dongle. That was wrong. Sorry about that.
Came across this post while searching for a resolution to latency issues while connected via bluetooth. Tried everything - updating BT drivers, repairing countless times, toggling every DS4Windows setting, etc, yet nothing worked. As simple as it sounds @cjrobe 's solution worked for me. Went from constantly blinking red light on the DS4 to a flawless connection from the living room sofa. Bluetooth DualShock 4 controller is now working great in Witcher 3. For reference I am running Windows 10 using the built-in bluetooth on an ASRock motherboard.
I have these problem since some months ago... it's annoying.
@cjrobe I can confirm your method works. My spikes are completely gone and latency is reduced to 1-2.
Thank you so freekin much. Saved me alot of further headache
I have the same problem yet.
Changing the power mode did nothing for me :/ I had problems with an HP Bluetooth dongle 2.0, for an really old printer. I bought a new one, a orico adapter with CSR8510 on it, although the developer said that the software don't work with CSR chips, worked like a charm for me. 2ms latency in a 5 meters range :D
@danielbibit Weird. This adapter you speak of is of type class 2.
The Power mode-setting does not have any change in effect for me anymore. Microsoft did some Bluetooth changes in their latest updates for Windows 10.
The location of my Bluetooth "antenna" is behind my computer, under my desk, so I bought a new class 1 adapter and placed it in front, which improved the signal significantly.
Class 1 = range of ~100 meters Class 2 = range of ~10 meters Class 3 = range of ~1 meter Class 4 = range of ~0,5 meters
Changing the power plan to "Performance" dropped the latency immediately on my machine. It was 50ms+ beforehand. Now it's much closer to 2ms. Thanks @cjrobe :)
It might be a useful feature for DS4Windows to detect the power plan and notify the user if their plan might increase latency.
Well I tried both @cjrobe and @hostiphur solutions and when on idle the controllers are at ~5-7 ms input lag. But if I keep them running for some time it gets worse, and when I play it easily starts going above 13 ms with the lights blinking like it's christmas. Will try to reinstall the driver and DS4 and see if it helps...
Edit: reinstalled, restarted etc. And the delay was between 2-3 and 14-15 on "high load". What did help however is to place the pads closer to the adapter ;) Yeah I know... I should've checked it first.
Absolute legends. I tried hostiphur's solution however as I just bought an Intel AC-7260 which is a PCIe card with bluetooth that is connected via a cable between the card and a USB header, I didn't have the option for "Standard OpenHCD USB Host Controller".
In this instance though under "Bluetooth" in standard 'Devices by Type' view and then by setting the "properties" via a right click, I unchecked "Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power" and now it works like an absolute charm.
I hope this makes this guide a more complete solution to this issue.
Thanks a lot chasty42. I had the same problems using a Xiaomi Controller. Changing both the system's energy profile USB power setting and the Bluetooth setting seems to have solved the issues.
I am writing this since I found this thread using Google and searching for input lag problems for the Xiaomi Controller. However, as it seems, the issues are independent of the controller type, but instead Windows is the hurdle to take, once again. A new search by another Xiaomi user may come across this thread more easily now :-)
Thanks for the solutions!
Three more things you can try that should help if the power plan thing doesn't work:
- Close the Windows Bluetooth pairing/settings window, if it's open.
- If your Bluetooth adapter is plugged into a USB 3.0 port, try moving it to a USB 2.0 port.
- Put your Bluetooth adapter on a USB extension cable - the purpose of doing this isn't to put it closer to the controller, as it is to move it away from the rest of your computer.
@cjrobe I applied your method and it works flawlessly, thank you very, very much!
I had several issues with latency using the PS4 Controller with the last version of InputMapper (1.6.10), i read on some forums that even now Steam Supports PS4 Controllers you will need to use a mapper to make it work but this mess the control sensitivity on Steam Big Picture and i couldn't select some areas of the menu. So finally I uninstalled InputMapper after arranging the Hi Performance Power Settings and the re-paired the PS4 controller using only Steam, i have no issues with latency or control sensitivity. So my advice:
- Don't use a mapper
- Apply @cjrobe method
@hostiphur, I just joined this forum just to thank you for your idea. My latency no longer persists. 👍👍👍👍👍
I have tackled this issue for a very long time and recently decided to give it another go. I have just fixed the issue, and the changes I made were the following:
- I changed the location of my Bluetooth device (Kinivo) to a USB 2.0 slot.
- The next steps I list are what I believe to be the solution to our problem.
- Go into Device Manager by typing Device Manager in Windows search bar (http://i.imgur.com/GaRRPSq.png).
- Click on view, and click 'Devices by Connection'.
- Scroll down until you find 'Scp Virtual Bus Driver', and expand it by clicking on the arrow (It looks like this: http://i.imgur.com/c4wKZh5.png)
- Right click on USB Input Device, and click Properties.
- Click on Power Management, and untick the box that states 'Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power' (http://i.imgur.com/AwdEaJN.png).
- Press OK, and close the Device Manager.
- The problem should fix itself immediately. If not, try restarting your computer. I am now getting under 2ms input delay (http://i.imgur.com/ovkcYyc.png).
I've noticed whenever I open Dolphin the latency issue seems to pop up. Controller starts flashing red intermittently. The moment I close Dolphin the issue disappears. This doesn't happen with Steam.
EDIT: For anyone having similar troubles "Continuous Scanning" in Dolphin for wiimotes seem to trigger the latency with DS4Windows.
hostiphur and Atsoup solution works fine! thx Just find your device under Bluetooth devices tab (it can be something like HID-compatible dev) and uncheck the box in power management settings.
<2 ms immediately (10-15ms before).
Recently purchased a cheap dongle from Aliexpress. The controller would pair but disconnect from DS4 seconds later. I tried @hostiphur and @cjrobe methods but no luck. Successfully, @oboewan42 had the right method to use a USB2 port! TYVM
I've noticed when I leave the Bluetooth menu open on Windows 10 after I've paired the device it will continually look for new devices and the latency jumps from around 2ms to ~ 40ms. Just close the window and it jumps back down.
I am pretty desperate. My OS is Windows 7, my Wifi/Bluetooth card is a Gigabyte GC-WB867D-I REV Bluetooth 4.2. No matter what I try, there is still latency issues and red flashes using a DualShock 4 controller. This is pretty game-breaking for games like COD Black Ops 3 Zombies where the minimum input lag can cost you the game. @cjrobe method didn't work, for @hostiphur method I dont have a ''Standard OpenHCD USB Host Controller'' under PCI Express Root Complex, for @Atsoup method I right click on USB Input Device and then click Properties, but there is no tab for ''Power Management'' https://imgur.com/a/C1DZ7, neither for what's under USB Input device: HID-compliant game controller. I tried to untick the box that states ''Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power'' for Inter(R) Wireless Bluetooth(R) but that didn't fix the issue. HELP!!!
hey guys, ive read most of the comments trying to find a solution to my problem and ive tried most of them out, (if not all of them) and i am still unable to connect both of my ps4 controllers. when im just running one theres no problem. everythin runs great and theres no lag or anything. but as soon as i try to connect the second controller the latency starts going crazy. latency normally starts going 10ms over or under for both the controllers and they star lighting intermittently from blue to red and white to red respectively. i was wondering if anyone might be able to give me a suggestion as to what might be happening and how to fix it. i thought about buying a class I USB but im not sure that that will solve my problems and id rather not spend money if i dont have to
You should like check the newer fork
Hi where to find the program for Input delay display...? THX
For what it's worth: here's a detailed guide for disabling USB selective suspend.