wishlist copied to clipboard
Read an Amazon wishlist programmatically with Python
I installed wishlist with pip (using the --user parameter so the installation isn't system-wide, only local, i.e. for my user). I can successfully set the name of the (private) wishlist....
You used to be able to get a link to the item in the wishlist, this no longer works. I think the next best thing would be to have the...
After installing wishlist with 'pip install wishlist', trying to run `wishlist dump 9YDNFG31NSSRL` gives the error " No module named 'brow.utils'" The error is fixed by upgrading brow with the...
I did `pip install wishlist`, but I still cannot use the `wishlist dump NAME` command in my terminal.
Used to work properly in a script, but has not been returning any data for a few months. Running 0.2.2, command line fails with : wishlist dump 3L5SXXXXXBZ6K Traceback (most...
Hey there, I am on Windows 10 and using Python 2.7. I have created a virutal env, pip installed whishlist and did @set WISHLIST_HOST=https://amazon.de When executing ´´wishlist dump KEY´´ I...
changed to regex.findall, removed grouping parenthesis and changed float cast to 0 index of returned list
For instance: Market Place price is $26.20 the property for marketplace_price returns 6.2 re.match in function only returns one instance of the digit preceding the decimal: ``` In [66]: test_string...
Wishlist should set the current url when it creates the WishlistElement
Some version of this should fix the problem: ```python filtered_string = filter(lambda x: x in string.printable, myStr) ``` [via](https://stackoverflow.com/a/92488/5006)