PowerLine icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
PowerLine copied to clipboard

PowerLine 3.4.0 fails to read a config that worked with 3.3.0

Open TBBle opened this issue 2 years ago • 8 comments

I've upgraded PowerLine 3.3.0 to 3.4.0 (also forcing Configuration 1.5.0 installation per https://github.com/PoshCode/Configuration/issues/45#issuecomment-907686259) and PowerLine now fails, with the following error:

Import-Metadata: C:\Users\paulh\Documents\PowerShell\Modules\Configuration\1.5.0\Configuration.psm1:457
Line |
 457 |              Import-Metadata $EnterprisePath @MetadataOptions
     |              ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
     | At C:\Users\paulh\AppData\Roaming\powershell\HuddledMasses.org\PowerLine\Configuration.psd1:10 char:17 +     Colors = @((RgbColor 'Cyan'),(RgbColor 'DarkCyan'),(RgbColor 'Gra … +                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
     | The command 'RgbColor' is not allowed in restricted language mode or a Data section.  At C:\Users\paulh\AppData\Roaming\powershell\HuddledMasses.org\PowerLine\Configuration.psd1:10 char:35 +     Colors =
     | @((RgbColor 'Cyan'),(RgbColor 'DarkCyan'),(RgbColor 'Gra … +                                   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The command 'RgbColor' is not allowed in restricted language mode or a Data section.  At
     | C:\Users\paulh\AppData\Roaming\powershell\HuddledMasses.org\PowerLine\Configuration.psd1:10 char:57 + …  = @((RgbColor 'Cyan'),(RgbColor 'DarkCyan'),(RgbColor 'Gray'),(RgbCo … +
     | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The command 'RgbColor' is not allowed in restricted language mode or a Data section.  At C:\Users\paulh\AppData\Roaming\powershell\HuddledMasses.org\PowerLine\Configuration.psd1:10 char:75 + …
     | ,(RgbColor 'DarkCyan'),(RgbColor 'Gray'),(RgbColor 'DarkGray'),(RgbCo … +                                             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The command 'RgbColor' is not allowed in restricted language mode or a Data
     | section.  At C:\Users\paulh\AppData\Roaming\powershell\HuddledMasses.org\PowerLine\Configuration.psd1:10 char:97 + … DarkCyan'),(RgbColor 'Gray'),(RgbColor 'DarkGray'),(RgbColor 'Gray')) +
     | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The command 'RgbColor' is not allowed in restricted language mode or a Data section.

The Configuration.ps1 in question:

  PowerLineConfig = @{
    PowerLineFont = $True
    SetCurrentDirectory = $True
    DefaultAddIndex = 2
    RestoreVirtualTerminal = $True
    FullColor = $True
    Prompt = @((ScriptBlock ' New-PromptText { "&OSC;9;9;"+$executionContext.SessionState.Path.CurrentLocation+"&ST;" + $executionContext.SessionState.Path.CurrentLocation } -ForegroundColor DarkYellow -BackgroundColor Black -ElevatedBackgroundColor Gray'),(ScriptBlock ' "`t" '),(ScriptBlock ' New-PromptText { Write-VcsStatus } -ForegroundColor DarkYellow -BackgroundColor Black -ElevatedBackgroundColor Gray'),(ScriptBlock ' "`n" '),(ScriptBlock ' New-PromptText { ">" * ($NestedPromptLevel + 1) } -ForegroundColor Blue -ElevatedForegroundColor Yellow  -BackgroundColor Black -ElevatedBackgroundColor Gray'))
    Colors = @((RgbColor 'Cyan'),(RgbColor 'DarkCyan'),(RgbColor 'Gray'),(RgbColor 'DarkGray'),(RgbColor 'Gray'))
  EscapeSequences = @{
    Esc = '['
    Store = '[s'
    Recall = '[u'
    Clear = '[0m'
    OSC = ']'
    ST = '\'
  ExtendedCharacters = @{
    ColorSeparator = ''
    ReverseColorSeparator = ''
    Separator = ''
    ReverseSeparator = ''
    Branch = ''
    Lock = ''
    Gear = '⛯'
    Power = '⚡'

I can work around this by forcing the use of PowerLine 3.3.0 in my profile.ps1:

Import-Module PowerLine -RequiredVersion 3.3.0

This is under PowerShell 7.1.4, installed as a .NET Global Tool.

TBBle avatar Aug 28 '21 23:08 TBBle

This is a module load order problem, it'll probably never happen again after that first time when you loaded things after updating.

The issue is that RGBColor is defined in PANSIES and the serializer for it is added to the Metadata module when the PANSIES module is first imported. But if you reimport Metadata (after PANSIES is imported) it resets it's knowledge of serializers...

You could fix it by reimporting Pansies (Import-Module Pansies -Force) or just starting a new window.

I've thought of an enhanced way of registering these serializers so that Metadata could rediscover all the ones in modules that are already imported when it's reimported later, rather than loosing them...

I've also thought about having Metadata store the serializer list in the global scope so it would survive module reloads...

Jaykul avatar Aug 29 '21 02:08 Jaykul

It's happening every time I start a new PowerShell. Even if I put Import-Module PANSIES -Force before Import-Module PowerLine, it does the same thing.

I just confirmed that even after rebooting it's doing the same thing.

Here's my full Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1 in case it helps:

# Solarized Light when elevated
# https://serverfault.com/a/97599
if (([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal] [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator)) {
  & (Join-Path -Path (Split-Path -Parent -Path $PROFILE) -ChildPath 'powershell-colours-solarized-canon\Set-SolarizedLightColorDefaultsCanon.ps1')
else {
  & (Join-Path -Path (Split-Path -Parent -Path $PROFILE) -ChildPath 'powershell-colours-solarized-canon\Set-SolarizedDarkColorDefaultsCanon.ps1')

function which($cmd) { Get-Command $cmd | Select-Object -expandProperty Source }

# Chocolatey profile
$ChocolateyProfile = "$env:ChocolateyInstall\helpers\chocolateyProfile.psm1"
if (Test-Path($ChocolateyProfile)) {
  Import-Module "$ChocolateyProfile"

# posh-git (1.0 beta release)
# Install-Module posh-git -AllowPrerelease
Import-Module posh-git
# Override some colours which default to base colours in Solarized
# Generally, darkening anything except Red or Magenta
$GitPromptSettings.BranchColor.ForegroundColor = "DarkCyan"
$GitPromptSettings.BeforeStatus.ForegroundColor = "DarkYellow"
$GitPromptSettings.DelimStatus.ForegroundColor = "DarkYellow"
$GitPromptSettings.AfterStatus.ForegroundColor = "DarkYellow"
$GitPromptSettings.LocalStagedStatusSymbol.ForegroundColor = "DarkCyan"
$GitPromptSettings.BranchIdenticalStatusSymbol.ForegroundColor = "DarkCyan"
$GitPromptSettings.BranchAheadStatusSymbol.ForegroundColor = "DarkGreen"
$GitPromptSettings.BranchBehindAndAheadStatusSymbol.ForegroundColor = "DarkYellow"

# Set custom Prompt
# TODO: Convert and add to PowerLine instead
#Import-Module (Join-Path -Path (Split-Path -Parent -Path $PROFILE) -ChildPath 'Prompt.ps1')

# PowerLine (Pulls in PANSIES which overrides Write-Host)
# Install-Module PANSIES -AllowClobber
# Install-Module PowerLine
Import-Module PowerLine
# Settings are exported with `Export-PowerLinePrompt`, which writes to
#  ${ENV:AppData}\powershell\HuddledMasses.org\PowerLine\Configuration.psd1
# Sadly, this looks wrong in Solarized Dark until https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/issues/6807
# as we ask for "Black" (Solarized Dark BG Highlight) but the WT hack gives us "Background".
# Similarly, when elevated, Powerline's ColorSeparator is "Gray" (Solarized Light BG Highlight)
# but the WT hack gives us "Foreground"
# Note: You can test how it's _supposed_ to look with the dotnet global tool pwsh:
# dotnet tool install powershell --global
# & "$ENV:USERPROFILE\.dotnet\tools\pwsh.exe"

# Solarized colours for PANSIES
# Black
[PoshCode.Pansies.RgbColor]::ConsolePalette[0] = "#073642"
# DarkBlue
[PoshCode.Pansies.RgbColor]::ConsolePalette[1] = "#268bd2"
# DarkGreen
[PoshCode.Pansies.RgbColor]::ConsolePalette[2] = "#859900"
# DarkCyan
[PoshCode.Pansies.RgbColor]::ConsolePalette[3] = "#2aa198"
# DarkRed
[PoshCode.Pansies.RgbColor]::ConsolePalette[4] = "#dc322f"
# DarkMagenta
[PoshCode.Pansies.RgbColor]::ConsolePalette[5] = "#d33682"
# DarkYellow
[PoshCode.Pansies.RgbColor]::ConsolePalette[6] = "#b58900"
# Gray
[PoshCode.Pansies.RgbColor]::ConsolePalette[7] = "#eee8d5"
# DarkGray
[PoshCode.Pansies.RgbColor]::ConsolePalette[8] = "#002b36"
# Blue
[PoshCode.Pansies.RgbColor]::ConsolePalette[9] = "#839496"
# Green
[PoshCode.Pansies.RgbColor]::ConsolePalette[10] = "#586e75"
# Cyan
[PoshCode.Pansies.RgbColor]::ConsolePalette[11] = "#93a1a1"
# Red
[PoshCode.Pansies.RgbColor]::ConsolePalette[12] = "#cb4b16"
# Magenta
[PoshCode.Pansies.RgbColor]::ConsolePalette[13] = "#6c71c4"
# Yellow
[PoshCode.Pansies.RgbColor]::ConsolePalette[14] = "#657b83"
# White
[PoshCode.Pansies.RgbColor]::ConsolePalette[15] = "#fdf6e3"

I did noticed I have three versions of Pansies installed:

1▌~▌Get-Module -ListAvailable PANSIES

    Directory: C:\Users\paulh\Documents\PowerShell\Modules

ModuleType Version    PreRelease Name                                PSEdition ExportedCommands
---------- -------    ---------- ----                                --------- ----------------
Script     2.3.1                 Pansies                             Core,Desk {New-Text, New-Hyperlink, Write-Host, Get-Gradient…}
Script     2.3.0                 Pansies                             Core,Desk {New-Text, New-Hyperlink, Write-Host, Get-Gradient…}
Script     2.0.0                 Pansies                             Core,Desk {New-Text, Write-Host, Get-Gradient, Get-Complement…}

is there any chance it's picking up the wrong one or something? 2.3.1 is the one that's been loaded, apparently. Edit: I force-uninstalled the older versions, and nothing changed.

I did confirm that if I manually re-import Pansies from the shell, it does seem to work, but my prompt doesn't get set up, so something else is up.


My actual prompt, if I import PowerLine 3.3.0: image

One other possibility: I notice that in the failure case, I am somehow ending up with both versions of Configuration loaded:


ModuleType Version    PreRelease Name                                ExportedCommands
---------- -------    ---------- ----                                ----------------
Script     1.3.1                 Configuration                       {Add-MetadataConverter, ConvertFrom-Metadata, ConvertTo-Metadata, Export-Configuration…}
Script     1.5.0                 Configuration                       {Export-Configuration, Get-ConfigurationPath, Import-Configuration, Import-ParameterConfiguration…}
Script     1.5.1                 Metadata                            {Add-MetadataConverter, ConvertFrom-Metadata, ConvertTo-Metadata, Export-Metadata…}
Manifest               Microsoft.PowerShell.Management     {Add-Content, Clear-Content, Clear-Item, Clear-ItemProperty…}
Manifest               Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility        {Add-Member, Add-Type, Clear-Variable, Compare-Object…}
Script     2.3.1                 Pansies                             {Get-ColorWheel, Get-Complement, Get-Gradient, New-Hyperlink…}
Script     1.0.0                 posh-git                            {Add-PoshGitToProfile, Expand-GitCommand, Format-GitBranchName, Get-GitBranchStatusColor…}
Script     3.4.0                 PowerLine                           {Add-PowerLineBlock, Export-PowerLinePrompt, Get-Elapsed, Get-ErrorCount…}
Script     2.1.0                 PSReadLine                          {Get-PSReadLineKeyHandler, Get-PSReadLineOption, Remove-PSReadLineKeyHandler, Set-PSReadLineKeyHandler…}

Clearly the right one is being used (you can see 1.5.0 in the error), but I'm wondering if it's possible this is what's blatted the Converters list, and for that matter what caused it to load.

Okay, last thing I confirmed. If I only have Configuration 1.5.0 installed, PowerLine 3.3.0 starts show the same issue. So whatever's going on here, it's maybe a Configuration problem, not a PowerLine issue (which makes sense).

I ended up uninstalling all the new stuff (I was testing to see if PowerLine 3.4.0 would consume Configuration 1.3.1, and broke stuff so had to remove them all), but I can reinstall things if there's something that'd be useful to test.

TBBle avatar Aug 29 '21 09:08 TBBle

I have the same problem as @TBBle. Mind you, though, that I have a fresh install of PowerLine, and I have only a single instance of Pansies loaded. So, this might mean that it's something about the latest Pansies or PowerLine version that's at fault here.

Removing the Colors parameter from the PowerLine config file removes the issue. Although, you have to enjoy/endure the default colors in that case.

cafuneandchill avatar Sep 11 '21 17:09 cafuneandchill

Same here

PowerShell 7.1.0
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.

Type 'help' to get help.

   A new PowerShell stable release is available: v7.1.4
   Upgrade now, or check out the release page at:
>> Import-Module Pansies
>> Import-Module PowerLine
Import-Metadata: C:\Users\stj\OneDrive\Documents\PowerShell\Modules\Configuration\1.5.0\Configuration.psm1:457
Line |
 457 |              Import-Metadata $EnterprisePath @MetadataOptions
     |              ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
     | At C:\Users\stj\AppData\Roaming\powershell\HuddledMasses.org\PowerLine\Configuration.psd1:22
     | char:17 +     Colors = @((RgbColor '#FFDD00'),(RgbColor '#FF6600')) +
     | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The command 'RgbColor' is not allowed in restricted language mode or a Data
     | section.  At
     | C:\Users\stj\AppData\Roaming\powershell\HuddledMasses.org\PowerLine\Configuration.psd1:22 char:38
     | +     Colors = @((RgbColor '#FFDD00'),(RgbColor '#FF6600')) +
     | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The command 'RgbColor' is not allowed in restricted language mode or a Data section.


The modules are there only once, downloaded yesterday.

3▌~▌Get-Module pansies -ListAvailable

    Directory: C:\Users\stj\OneDrive\Documents\PowerShell\Modules

ModuleType Version    PreRelease Name    
---------- -------    ---------- ----    
Script     2.3.1                 Pansies 

4▌~▌Get-Module PowerLine -ListAvailable

    Directory: C:\Users\stj\OneDrive\Documents\PowerShell\Modules

ModuleType Version    PreRelease Name    
---------- -------    ---------- ----    
Script     3.4.0                 PowerLine

5▌~▌Get-Module Configuration -ListAvailable

    Directory: C:\Users\stj\OneDrive\Documents\PowerShell\Modules

ModuleType Version    PreRelease Name         
---------- -------    ---------- ----         
Script     1.5.0                 Configuration

6▌~▌Get-Module Metadata -ListAvailable

    Directory: C:\Users\stj\OneDrive\Documents\PowerShell\Modules

ModuleType Version    PreRelease Name         
---------- -------    ---------- ----         
Script     1.5.1                 Metadata     

stej avatar Oct 04 '21 13:10 stej

So, I'll explain how this works, in hopes y'all can help figure this out.

  1. The Metadata module supports extensible serialization.
  2. The Configuration module prior to 1.5 shipped Metadata inside the Configuration module
  3. The PANSIES module adds the serialization for RGBColor when it's imported:
if(Get-Command Add-MetadataConverter -ErrorAction Ignore) {
    Add-MetadataConverter @{
        RgbColor = { [PoshCode.Pansies.RgbColor]$args[0] }
        [PoshCode.Pansies.RgbColor] = { "RgbColor '$_'" }

The situation that TBBle had was due to PANSIES somehow finding the Add-MetadataConverter command exported by Configuration 1.3.1 instead of the one exported by Metadata 1.5.1 -- which means it registered the converter in the wrong place, because when PowerLine load it forces importing Configuration 1.5.0 which uses Metadata 1.5.1 and can't find the deserializer.

I'm reasonably sure you could resolve the problem in a given PowerShell session by:

  1. Re-importing PANSIES (with -Force) to re-run the Add-Metadata command (or just run that command from above)
  2. Test the serialization with Get-Module PowerLine | Import-Configuration
  3. (If that worked) re-import the configuration in PowerLine by running Set-PowerLinePrompt

But I'm not sure what's going wrong in your specific session. Normally this only happens if PANSIES can't find the Metadata command, so the serialization doesn't get registered, or if the Configuration module gets forcibly re-imported and looses it's memory of the registered serialization metadata..

I suppose that perhaps, since PowerLine is explicitly taking a dependency on both modules, it could re-run the registration of the serialization for RgbColor, just to be sure.

I'm also thinking about whether there's a way that I could improve the way the registration works so it can survive having the Configuration module reimported -- or even be permanent...

Jaykul avatar Oct 08 '21 04:10 Jaykul

I was still seeing the problem with only Configuration 1.5.0 installed, so I don't think that it was that PANSIES was picking up Add-MetadataConverter from Configuration 1.3.1 in that case.

My suspicion (although I haven't looked in a while) was that something in PowerLine was reloading the Metadata module after PANSIES called Add-MetadataConverter (since manually importing PANSIES in my profile before loading PowerLine didn't fix the issue), so having the registrations persist through that would make sense, and also seems generally like a good way to avoid any surprise load-ordering interactions.

I don't know enough PowerShell to know if there's a useful per-session storage where this would make sense, or if indeed it should be persisted between sessions such that importing Metadata is sufficient to re-establish the converters.

TBBle avatar Oct 08 '21 08:10 TBBle

I'm not sure if this is related or not, but https://github.com/PoshCode/Metadata/issues/3 was a bug in Metadata related to the serialization of objects, which is now fixed in Metadata 1.5.3

I have an idea about how to "permanently" register serializations -- based on what I did in EzTheme, but I'm not sure if that's really the root cause.

Fwiw, I'm using:

  • Metadata 1.5.3
  • Configuration 1.5.0
  • PowerLine 3.4.0
  • Pansies 2.3.1

And that's working on PS 5.1 and PS 7.2

However, I might have just re-set my config at some point, and I don't have the old export. If any of you are still stuck, can you dump your Configuration.psd1 and share it?

This should work to copy the contents:

Get-Module PowerLine | Get-ConfigurationPath | ls | Get-Content | Set-Clipboard

They're sometimes hard to read in a non-powerline font:

  ExtendedCharacters = @{
    Branch = ''
    ColorSeparator = ''
    Gear = '⛯'
    Lock = ''
    Power = '⚡'
    ReverseColorSeparator = ''
    ReverseSeparator = ''
    Separator = ''
  EscapeSequences = @{
    Clear = '[0m'
    Esc = '['
    Recall = '[u'
    Store = '[s'
  PowerLineConfig = @{
    PowerLineCharacters = @{
      ColorSeparator = ''
      Separator = ''
      ReverseSeparator = ''
      ReverseColorSeparator = ''
    PowerLineFont = $True
    DefaultAddIndex = -1
    Title = (ScriptBlock '')
    Colors = @((RgbColor '#36648B'),(RgbColor '#1874CD'),(RgbColor '#00B2EE'),(RgbColor '#7EC0EE'),(RgbColor '#5CACEE'),(RgbColor '#B0E2FF'))
    SetCurrentDirectory = $True
    Prompt = @((ScriptBlock ' $MyInvocation.HistoryId '),(ScriptBlock ' "&Gear;" * $NestedPromptLevel '),(ScriptBlock ' $pwd.Drive.Name '),(ScriptBlock ' Split-Path $pwd -leaf '),(ScriptBlock ' "`t" '),(ScriptBlock ' Get-Elapsed -Trim '),(ScriptBlock ' Get-Date -Format "T" '))
    PSReadLinePromptText = @('[48;2;102;102;102m[92m♥[38;2;242;242;242m PS[38;2;102;102;102m[49m[0m','[48;2;102;102;102m[38;2;255;99;71m♥[38;2;242;242;242m PS[38;2;102;102;102m[49m[0m')
    FullColor = $True

Jaykul avatar Dec 17 '21 04:12 Jaykul

My current config dump:

  PowerLineConfig = @{
    PowerLineFont = $True
    SetCurrentDirectory = $True
    DefaultAddIndex = 2
    RestoreVirtualTerminal = $True
    FullColor = $True
    Prompt = @((ScriptBlock ' New-PromptText { "&OSC;9;9;"+$executionContext.SessionState.Path.CurrentLocation+"&ST;" + $executionContext.SessionState.Path.CurrentLocation } -ForegroundColor DarkYellow -BackgroundColor Black -ElevatedBackgroundColor Gray'),(ScriptBlock ' "`t" '),(ScriptBlock ' New-PromptText { Write-VcsStatus } -ForegroundColor DarkYellow -BackgroundColor Black -ElevatedBackgroundColor Gray'),(ScriptBlock ' "`n" '),(ScriptBlock ' New-PromptText { ">" * ($NestedPromptLevel + 1) } -ForegroundColor Blue -ElevatedForegroundColor Yellow  -BackgroundColor Black -ElevatedBackgroundColor Gray'))
    Colors = @((RgbColor 'Cyan'),(RgbColor 'DarkCyan'),(RgbColor 'Gray'),(RgbColor 'DarkGray'),(RgbColor 'Gray'))
  EscapeSequences = @{
    Esc = '['
    Store = '[s'
    Recall = '[u'
    Clear = '[0m'
    OSC = ']'
    ST = '\'
  ExtendedCharacters = @{
    ColorSeparator = ''
    ReverseColorSeparator = ''
    Separator = ''
    ReverseSeparator = ''
    Branch = ''
    Lock = ''
    Gear = '⛯'
    Power = '⚡'

which is working with PowerShell 7.2.0:


ModuleType Version    PreRelease Name                                ExportedCommands
---------- -------    ---------- ----                                ----------------
Script     1.3.1                 Configuration                       {Add-MetadataConverter, ConvertFrom-Metadata, ConvertTo-Metadata, Export-Configuration…}
Manifest               Microsoft.PowerShell.Management     {Add-Content, Clear-Content, Clear-Item, Clear-ItemProperty…}
Manifest               Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility        {Add-Member, Add-Type, Clear-Variable, Compare-Object…}
Script     2.3.1                 Pansies                             {Get-ColorWheel, Get-Complement, Get-Gradient, New-Hyperlink…}
Script     1.0.0                 posh-git                            {Add-PoshGitToProfile, Expand-GitCommand, Format-GitBranchName, Get-GitBranchStatusColor…}
Script     3.3.0                 PowerLine                           {Add-PowerLineBlock, Export-PowerLinePrompt, Get-Elapsed, Get-ErrorCount…}
Script     2.1.0                 PSReadLine                          {Get-PSReadLineKeyHandler, Get-PSReadLineOption, Remove-PSReadLineKeyHandler, Set-PSReadLineKeyHandler…}

Am I understanding correctly that the issue might have been fixed with Metadata 1.5.3, and you're looking for a test?

I did a quick test, and it still fails in a new Windows Terminal instance with

Import-Metadata: At C:\Users\paulh\AppData\Roaming\powershell\HuddledMasses.org\PowerLine\Configuration.psd1:10 char:17 +     Colors = @((RgbColor 'Cyan'),(RgbColor 'DarkCyan'),(RgbColor 'Gra … +                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The command
'RgbColor' is not allowed in restricted language mode or a Data section.  At C:\Users\paulh\AppData\Roaming\powershell\HuddledMasses.org\PowerLine\Configuration.psd1:10 char:35 +     Colors = @((RgbColor 'Cyan'),(RgbColor
'DarkCyan'),(RgbColor 'Gra … +                                   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The command 'RgbColor' is not allowed in restricted language mode or a Data section.  At
C:\Users\paulh\AppData\Roaming\powershell\HuddledMasses.org\PowerLine\Configuration.psd1:10 char:57 + …  = @((RgbColor 'Cyan'),(RgbColor 'DarkCyan'),(RgbColor 'Gray'),(RgbCo … +
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The command 'RgbColor' is not allowed in restricted language mode or a Data section.  At C:\Users\paulh\AppData\Roaming\powershell\HuddledMasses.org\PowerLine\Configuration.psd1:10 char:75 + … ,(RgbColor
'DarkCyan'),(RgbColor 'Gray'),(RgbColor 'DarkGray'),(RgbCo … +                                             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The command 'RgbColor' is not allowed in restricted language mode or a Data section.  At
C:\Users\paulh\AppData\Roaming\powershell\HuddledMasses.org\PowerLine\Configuration.psd1:10 char:97 + … DarkCyan'),(RgbColor 'Gray'),(RgbColor 'DarkGray'),(RgbColor 'Gray')) +
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The command 'RgbColor' is not allowed in restricted language mode or a Data section.

The state when it failed:

2▌~▌Get-Module -all

ModuleType Version    PreRelease Name                                ExportedCommands
---------- -------    ---------- ----                                ----------------
Script     1.5.0                 Configuration                       {Export-Configuration, Get-ConfigurationPath, Import-Configuration, Import-ParameterConfiguration…}
Script     1.5.3                 Metadata                            {Add-MetadataConverter, ConvertFrom-Metadata, ConvertTo-Metadata, Export-Metadata…}
Binary             Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Mana… {Add-Content, Clear-Content, Clear-ItemProperty, Clear-RecycleBin…}
Binary             Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Util… {Add-Member, Add-Type, Compare-Object, ConvertFrom-SddlString…}
Manifest               Microsoft.PowerShell.Management     {Add-Content, Clear-Content, Clear-Item, Clear-ItemProperty…}
Binary               Microsoft.PowerShell.PSReadLine2    {Get-PSReadLineOption, Set-PSReadLineOption, Set-PSReadLineKeyHandler, Get-PSReadLineKeyHandler…}
Manifest               Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility        {Add-Member, Add-Type, Clear-Variable, Compare-Object…}
Binary               Pansies                             {Get-ColorWheel, Get-Complement, Get-Gradient, New-Hyperlink…}
Script     2.3.1                 Pansies                             {Get-ColorWheel, Get-Complement, Get-Gradient, New-Hyperlink…}
Script     1.0.0                 posh-git                            {Add-PoshGitToProfile, Expand-GitCommand, Format-GitBranchName, Get-GitBranchStatusColor…}
Script     3.4.0                 PowerLine                           {Add-PowerLineBlock, Export-PowerLinePrompt, Get-Elapsed, Get-ErrorCount…}
Script     2.1.0                 PSReadLine                          {Get-PSReadLineKeyHandler, Get-PSReadLineOption, Remove-PSReadLineKeyHandler, Set-PSReadLineKeyHandler…}

TBBle avatar Dec 18 '21 03:12 TBBle