vue-numeric-input icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
vue-numeric-input copied to clipboard

Number input component with controls

Vue Numeric Input

npm npm Build Status codecov npm

Number input component based on Vue that is a replacement of native input number with optional control.


Live Demo & Doc


Install via NPM

$ npm install vue-numeric-input --save

Install via CDN

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>


Register VueNumericInput globally:

import Vue from 'Vue';
import VueNumericInput from 'vue-numeric-input';



Include the VueNumericInput directly into your component using import:

import VueNumericInput from 'vue-numeric-input'

export default {
  components: {


Basic usage

    <vue-numeric-input  v-model="value" :min="1" :max="10" :step="2"></vue-numeric-input>

  export default {
    data() {
      return {
        value: 1,


Name Description Type Default Options
name Component name String - -
value Binding value Number - -
placeholder Input placeholder String - -
min Minimum allowed value Number -Infinity -
max Maximum allowed value Number Infinity -
step Incremental Step Number 1 -
align Alignment of Numeric Value String left left, center, right
width Component Width String 150px width in px, em, rem etc e.g. ‘20px’
size Component Size String normal size value can be 'small', 'normal', 'large'
precision Number of decimals Number 0 Integer value
controls Enable/Disable Controls Boolean true true/false
controlsType Controls Type String plusminus plusminus/updown
autofocus Autofocus on Page Load Boolean false true/false
readonly Is Readonly Boolean false true/false
disabled Is Disabled Boolean false true/false
isinput enable/disable keyboard input of number Boolean false true/false
mousewheel Enable increment/decrement with mousewheel event Boolean false true/false
className Css Class for Input Component String - css class name


Event Name Description Parameters
input triggers when input (newValue)
change triggers when the value changes (newValue)
blur triggers when Input blurs (event: Event)
focus triggers when Input focus (event: Event)


Method Description Parameters
focus focus the Input component -
blur blur the Input component -

Inspired by react-numeric-input
