和主题无关,这里有个能重现的代码: ``` int a, bb; if (10 > 0) a = 0; if (11 > 0) bb = 0; ``` 对齐之后变成 ``` int a, bb; if (10 > 0) a...
PR is welcome.
client side还是server side?
你可以自己继承`ICodeGenerator`接口,实现方法`Gen_Implementation`。点击生成ue.d.ts按钮的时候这个方法会被调用。然后你可以在里面自行输出一份蓝图名和蓝图路径的映射文件,例如: ```c++ void UBPPathGenerator::Gen_Implementation() const { TArray SortedClasses; for (TObjectIterator It; It; ++It) { SortedClasses.Add(*It); } SortedClasses.Sort([&](const UClass &ClassA, const UClass &ClassB) -> bool { return ClassA.GetName() < ClassB.GetName(); });...
@DAVco4 How do you fix the compile issue when targeting .NET 3.5? I got an issue while the Jurassic using `ConditionalWeakTable` which was introduced in .NET 4.0
> ```js > import { > createContext as createContextOrig, > useContext as useContextOrig, > useRef, > useSyncExternalStore, > } from 'react'; > > export const createContext = (defaultValue) => {...
However, `useContextSelector` could only return a single result. I was tring to get multiple entries such as `const { a, b } = useContextSelector(context, (root)=>({a: root.a, b: root.b}))` but it...
I tried to add a cache with `shallowEqual`, from redux, to workaround but I'm not sure if that is ok. I'm not familiar to React. ```typescript export function useContextSelector( context:...