Sen Jiang

Results 32 comments of Sen Jiang

Leanify already support parsing swf files and optimizing the images inside, why should I support swix's custom xml format?

It seems mp3packer is the only thing can do mp3 lossless optimization, but it's written in ocaml and I have no idea how it works. What I can do is...

I don't think I can have a global flag anytime soon since leanify is designed to remove all metadata from the beginning, but I could add some flags like `keep-iptc`...

I don't like the idea of a vaguely defined switch, I want all the switches to have a well defined expected behavior that doesn't depend on the implementation.

Yes, I would love to add those. The problem is, I don't want to reinvent the wheel to implement yet another html/js/css minifier (I also don't have enough knowledge about...

sais本来就不算很快吧 试过[libdivsufsort](么? 另外[msufsort4](号称更快而且支持多线程,但是比较新可能有bug

他的算法肯定是专门为并行设计的,作者自己的benchmark说是比divsufsort的multithread快好几倍 > Enwik8 > MSufSort 4 single threaded 6.10 > DivSufSort 2.0.2 single threaded 7.37 > MSufSort 4 multi-threaded 1.86 > DivSufSort 2.0.2 multi-threaded 5.37 > > Enwik9 >...

have you tried

Yes, the file is malformed, which is good for testing edge cases. The file can be opened by major browsers and photo viewers without error, so I'd expect mozjpeg could...

@Liam2349 If your PNG isn't an APNG (Animated PNG), then it's a different issue. By default Leanify will modify fully transparent pixels to make it more compressible, because those values...