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[Feature Request] Half slab allowance
good work nice plugin but car does not come out on slabs
'come out on slabs' please elaborate i cant mind read unfortunately...
The car will not go up any blocks only down.
upgrade to driven half blocks up
bad english sorry :D
@SuperAdam47 It is not a bug, it was created that way, you cannot use the car to climb blocks, you can only go down as Jaxk said above. You should appreciate that this is even possible rather than make ridiculous bug reports
Will leave it as feature request, half block up allowance.
We appreciate your excellent plugin. health in hands
Will 'jump' up onto blocks that are:
- Solid
- BBox height of <= 0.5 (and nothing above, possibly configurable)
Planned in the rewrite when i sort out BBox
I would like to also suggest adding configurable option to allow jumping normally, as a player does.
Physically doesn’t make sense, I limited to 0.5 bbox height because of slabs / curbs. Making it able to go up an entire block will mean they can basically drive anywhere.
That's why I suggested it be a configurable option. The way it works now, you have to either have a flat world or build a flat track to use it. Jumping in vehicles isn't all that uncommon: Mario Kart, Rocket League, etc. In any case, your proposed auto-jump with configurable height would be just as excellent. Keep up the good work!
Maybe even if anything an option in config for: can-drive-on-slabs: true/false
I personally have half slab sidewalks and i think it would be cool to be able to drive ontop of them (for bridges, hills, etc)
Will 'jump' up onto blocks that are:
- Solid
- BBox height of <= 0.5 (and nothing above, possibly configurable)
When will the update come out?
When (if) I get time to do it, currently I think I was in the middle of porting to PM 4 so it’s highly likely it won’t be added before PM4 unless someone managed to make a decent PR in the next few months
Decided to work on the Bbox and 'ramp' movement before PM4 as that would induce a rewrite of NBT / Data storing.
ETA for those annoying people. ~~if all goes well before the next minor update for pmmp~~ Did not go well...
@korarit If you want to contribute code make a PR, Im not going to even attempt looking at the changes otherwise.
Chill guys, this is like Pocketmine updating to pm 4 will only take a couple more years