Timothy C. Quinn
Timothy C. Quinn
Prevent hanging of `pyppeteer` when code subscribes to `Page.Events.Console` event and a bigint is logged to the JS Console. Regarding ticket: https://github.com/puppeteer/puppeteer/pull/4016/files See Puppeteer PR: https://github.com/puppeteer/puppeteer/pull/4016/files There may be other...
I developed a [branch of page.py](https://github.com/JavaScriptDude/pyppeteer/pull/5) (forked from 1.0.2) which adds more JavaScript call frame details and parsed timestamp to the `ConsoleMessage` object. def _url_fixer(url): return url.replace(base_url, "").split('?')[0] # Handler...
When handling a page that sends bigint like `console.log(1234567890123456789012345678901234567890n)` and there is an assigned page handler for Page.Events.Console, Pyppeteer hangs during processing. Under the hood, `helper.valueFromRemoteObject()` throws a ElementHandleError exception...
When running a basic example of a page that has some JS output, the JavaScript messages do not go to stdout on Windows as they should. Sample script was tested...
When running `Pyppeteer` under windows via IIS, it fails because the `AppDirs` scan happens regardless of whether the `PYPPETEER_HOME` environment variable is set or not: `from pyppeteer import launch` triggers...
Many programs utilize carriage return in the output updates to the console without pushing a new line. It would be sweet if python-shell could handle these gracefully and fire a...
As discussed in my [StackOverflow post](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/31306452/atom-electron-detect-dev-tools-ready), the DevTools is shown before the debugger is ready to start executing breakpoints. This makes it difficult to debug breakpoints in the boot code...
From your [Add-Ons](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-CA/firefox/addon/javascript-errors/?utm_source=addons.mozilla.org&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=search) page, you have a link to a "test page": Test page → https://goo.gl/IEXS2y This link gets redirected to some spam website.
With Ubuntu based distribution, the dataset configurations make it challenging to configure snapshots of the default OS datasets in `sanoid`. In the past, `zsys` would take care of auto snapshots...
The library will fail when calling methods of a closed ncurses window. For example for window (w): ``` console.log("Calling Refresh - OK"); w.refresh(); console.log("Closing Window - OK"); w.close(); console.log("Calling Refresh...