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Query on child collection can't use GIN Index
When creating an index on a child collection using MartenDB, there's a discrepancy in the syntax used for the index definition and the generated query. This discrepancy causes the index not to be utilized during query execution.
Index Definition:
.Index(x => x.ChildCollection, index => index.ToGinWithJsonbPathOps());
Created Index:
CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS mt_doc_somemodel_idx_childcollection
ON public.mt_doc_somemodel USING gin
("(data -> 'ChildCollection'::text)" jsonb_path_ops)
TABLESPACE pg_default;
Generated Query:
FROM public.mt_doc_somemodel AS d
WHERE CAST( ->> 'ChildCollection' AS jsonb) @> '[{"SomeId":1}]';
The index is created using the -> operator: "(data -> 'ChildCollection'::text)" jsonb_path_ops
. However, the generated query uses the ->>
operator: CAST( ->> 'ChildCollection' AS jsonb)
This mismatch in syntax (i.e., -> vs. ->>) prevents the index from being used, leading to potential performance issues as the query cannot take advantage of the GIN index.