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bt_btm_sec: btm_sec_disconnected clearing pending flag handle:512 reason:8 自动断开连接了
bt_stack: [] clear_l2cap_whitelist: Clearing whitelist from l2cap channel. conn_handle=512 cid=4:4 11-26 19:06:02.139589 3058 3663 W bt_stack: [] bta_gattc_conn_cback: cif=3 connected=0 conn_id=0x0003 reason=0x0008 11-26 19:06:02.139705 3058 3663 W bt_stack: [] bta_gattc_conn_cback: cif=4 connected=0 conn_id=0x0004 reason=0x0008 11-26 19:06:02.139780 3058 3663 W bt_stack: [] bta_gattc_conn_cback: cif=6 connected=0 conn_id=0x0006 reason=0x0008 11-26 19:06:02.139909 3058 3663 I bt_btm_sec: btm_sec_disconnected clearing pending flag handle:512 reason:8 11-26 19:06:02.140574 502 502 D [BT] : mtk_bt_op: BT_VND_OP_LPM_WAKE_SET_STATE 11-26 19:06:02.140660 3058 3192 I btif_av : btif_av_acl_disconnected: Peer 86:3a:c9:d5:ca:37 : ACL Disconnected 11-26 19:06:02.140916 3058 3663 E btif_av : FindOrCreatePeer: acquire the lock. 11-26 19:06:02.140973 3058 3663 I btif_av : BtifAvPeer *BtifAvSource::FindOrCreatePeer(const RawAddress &, tBTA_AV_HNDL): Create peer: peer_address=86:3a:c9:d5:ca:37 bta_handle=0x41 peer_id=0 11-26 19:06:02.141043 3058 3663 W bt_btif : btif_av_get_peer_sep: No active peer found 11-26 19:06:02.141077 3058 3663 I bt_btif_a2dp: btif_a2dp_on_idle: ## ON A2DP IDLE ## peer_sep = 1 11-26 19:06:02.141103 3058 3663 W bt_btif : btif_av_get_peer_sep: No active peer found 11-26 19:06:02.141121 7975 7992 D BluetoothGatt: onClientConnectionState() - status=8 clientIf=6 device=86:3A:C9:D5:CA:37 11-26 19:06:02.141138 3058 3663 I bt_btif_a2dp_source: btif_a2dp_source_on_idle: state=STATE_OFF 11-26 19:06:02.141196 3058 3663 W bt_btif : btif_av_get_peer_sep: No active peer found 11-26 19:06:02.141223 3058 3663 I bt_btif_a2dp: btif_a2dp_on_idle: ## ON A2DP IDLE ## peer_sep = 1 11-26 19:06:02.141250 3058 3663 W bt_btif : btif_av_get_peer_sep: No active peer found 11-26 19:06:02.141275 3058 3663 I bt_btif_a2dp_source: btif_a2dp_source_on_idle: state=STATE_OFF 11-26 19:06:02.141329 3058 3663 I btif_av : DeleteIdlePeers: Deleting idle peer: 86:3a:c9:d5:ca:37 bta_handle=0x41 11-26 19:06:02.146398 7975 7975 D BluetoothGatt: cancelOpen() - device: 86:3A:C9:D5:CA:37 11-26 19:06:02.148600 7975 7975 D BluetoothGatt: refresh() - device: 86:3A:C9:D5:CA:37 11-26 19:06:02.148691 3081 3159 W BluetoothEventManager: AclStateChangedHandler: activeDevice is null 11-26 19:06:02.149159 4665 4665 W BluetoothEventManager: AclStateChangedHandler: activeDevice is null 11-26 19:06:02.149597 3058 3663 E bt_stack: [] No such connection need to be cancelled 11-26 19:06:02.149788 3058 3663 I bt_stack: [] GATT_CancelConnect: gatt_if:6, address: 86:3a:c9:d5:ca:37, direct:0 11-26 19:06:02.150455 7975 7975 D BluetoothGatt: close() 11-26 19:06:02.150572 7975 7975 D BluetoothGatt: unregisterApp() - mClientIf=6 11-26 19:06:02.152141 3058 3663 I bt_stack: [] bta_gattc_deregister: whitelistsize 64 39 11-26 19:06:02.152387 784 854 D AAL : 11-26 07:06:01.963 BL= 323,ESS= 256, 11-26 07:06:01.995 BL= 324,ESS= 256, 11-26 07:06:02.041 BL= 325,ESS= 256, 11-26 07:06:02.072 BL= 326,ESS= 256, 11-26 07:06:02.152 BL= 327,ESS= 256, 11-26 19:06:02.152376 7975 7975 D HZH : onDisConnected:
正连接的时候莫名的断开连接,android 10、android 11都出现过
也出現No active sink or source peer found 同問題 想詢問怎麼解決