
Results 18 issues of JasonT

The codebase is being updated to the latest version of Substrate and Frontier (Polkadot -0.9.23) in this PR: https://github.com/cennznet/cennznet/pull/682 The following staking tests are still not passing Staking Module: -...

staking 💰

Lets the collection owner add a controller account which can mint a series or additional tokens under a collection_id This is useful for giving ERC721 contracts access to mint tokens...

Better Debug logs needed for EVM runner when calling with fee preferences


Create a pallet to handle call delays, similar to solution for #606 but generic. Will be used internally by pallets to handle delays with a low priority, executing calls using...

Adds: - e2e tests for ERC721 function calls Changes: - Return type of ownerOf function in Precompile from CENNZnet address type to Ethereum address type - correctly scales gas for...

This fixes the local docker compose to work with a recent cennznet image and separately updates the Dockerfile to use a more recent debian image. This also alters the relationships...

Fixes tests for Substrate 1.0.0 Upgrade TODO (Require runtime to be buildable) - Fix XRPL tests by re-running e2e tests and getting new hash value (Updated version of Substrate changed...

This PR addresses some optimisation improvements for Ethy pallet and reduces some of the load in on_initialize. - Move delayed event processing to on_idle to remove some strain in on_initialize...

# Release **Release Name:** `7.53.0` **Spec Version:** `53` **Client Version:** `7.0.0` ## Key Changes: This release introduces the following changes: - Fixed a bug with xrpl transact mempool validation; incorrect...

This PR addresses two tickets: - https://futureverse.atlassian.net/jira/software/c/projects/TRN/boards/39?selectedIssue=TRN-315 addressed by changing bridge paused type from a bool to a struct that contains two bools based on the pause origin. i.e. manual...