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ReasonML and Vue


Vue.js fueled by the power of reasonml

Current stage of development

Immediate goal: MVP version

  1. ~~vue-loader under build/loaders/re-loader.js must be registered as a custom loader via webpack using "resolveLoaders"~~

  2. A simple Webpack build test that runs build and make sure it does not fail while compiling

  3. ~~vue-loader should read source passed in by vue-loader and parse it as raw JS using bsb-platform (bsb cli)~~

  4. Once above requirements are done, the loader should work with webpack-dev-server and standard webpack build task

  5. Merge into this project and use Vue binding inside to initialise Vue instance

How does re-loader works right now and what is the plan?


a) Clone project_root/src into __dirname/src-cloned

Why do we need this? By doing this, we do not clutter original src folder with .re and .bs.js mess

b) Extract

c) Write arbitary bsconfig.json file into __dirname/bsconfig.json

d) Run bsb -make-world against __dirname/src-cloned

e) todo: what do you do now with generated .bs.js files?

How to test manually

1. install dependencies

npm install or yarn

2. Trigger webpack build and test re-loader

npm run build or yarn build

It will trigger sync-files, bsb -make-world internally


25 / 12 / 2017

  • We are going to rely on bsb-cli as strictly as possible

  • To allow bsb-cli to compile

  • Then bsb-cli will be able to compile files located under build/loaders/compiled into js files

  • Once bsb compilation is complete without any errors, it will pipe the resulted files down to vue-loader for final bundling

26 / 12 / 2017

  • Experiment what happens when you run bsb -make-world against raw .re files

  • Find out how and when to sync files in Webpack

  • Run BSB on synced folder

  • Iteratively resolve any dependencies and use addDependency