darc icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
darc copied to clipboard

Scheduled weekly dependency update for week 30

Open pyup-bot opened this issue 6 months ago • 0 comments

Update redis from 4.6.0 to 5.0.7.

The bot wasn't able to find a changelog for this release. Got an idea?

  • PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/redis
  • Changelog: https://data.safetycli.com/changelogs/redis/
  • Repo: https://github.com/redis/redis-py

Update selenium from 3.141.0 to 4.23.1.



* Fix 14278 and match ordering of dependencies (14297)


* Disable strict time stamps in Firefox profile (14168)
* Update the py api doc build (14173)
* Add websocket-client v.1.8.0 to setup.py (14187)
* Remove precompiled binaries from sdist (14233)
* Fix RelativeBynear to take 2 parameters (13082)
* Add CDP for Chrome 127 and remove 124


* Fix EOFError when calling the Remote WebDriver download_file method (14031)
* Add low-level sync API to use DevTools (13977)
* Add preference to enable CDP in Firefox by default (14091)
* Allow using enable_bidi property on options class
* Implement script module for BiDi
* Remove desired capabilities argument for Webkitgtk (14128)
* Make webkitgtk.webdriver same as wpewebkit.webdriver
* Add CDP for Chrome 126 and remove 123


* Add CDP for Chrome 125 and remove 122
* Moving ignore_local_proxy_environment_variables to BaseOptions (13926)


* Add CDP for Chrome 124 and remove 121
* Add type hints for selenium.webdriver.remote.webdriver.WebDriver.__init__ (13775)
* Add types to set_window_position parameters (13786)
* Making Selenium Manager a thin wrapper (13387)
* This change has been made to make it easier to maintain and improve, the interface has
changed and if users were invoking it, they might experience issues. Selenium Manager is
still in beta and these type of changes are expected.


* Add CDP for Chrome 123 and remove 120
* Add more network interfaces to detect lan ip (13663)
* install_addon() didn't take into account dir paths with trailing slashes (13694)
* Explicitly export Select and WebDriverWait from selenium.webdriver.support.ui (13491)
* Add return type to webelement.submit (13490)
* Add type to parameter of webelement.WebElement.send_keys (13492)


* Add CDP for Chrome 122 and remove 119


* Update linting dependencies
* Setting Python for nightly releases - https://test.pypi.org/project/selenium/


* [py] Correct typing_extension dependency for wheel generation


* Fix typo in setup.py (13487)


* Add page load strategy enum (13258)
* Use correct file name when bumping versions (13282)
* Filter which bidi logs are recorded based on event type (12951)
* Add python to Selenium Manager input for tracking (see 13288)
* Sleep depending on the number of attempts to check if the service has started (13321)
* Use subprocess.DEVNULL instead of open(os.devnull) to avoid leaking a file handle (13329)
* Remove all references to firefox-bin
* Check if architecture/platform combination is supported for Selenium Manager (13381)
* Remove extension connection class and other usages of webdriver.xpi
* remove deprecated verbose argument from edge service
* remove deprecated desired_capabilities property from webdriver
* remove deprecated application cache support
* truncate large strings when logging requests
* Update WPEWebKit support code (13278)
* [py] Fix WPEWebKit python support code
* Do not change profile preferences of an existing directory by default (13477)
* Deprecate firefox profile methods that are not supported (13477)
* deprecate FirefoxBinary class (13476)
* Fix type error in mypy (13482)
* Add CDP for Chrome 121 and remove 118


* Fix inadvertent code change in mutation_event
* Fix bug in using SE_MANAGER_PATH
* Fix bug where downloaded file was not getting unzipped
* Add more logging to driver startup
* Fix WebDriverWait type hints for WebElement (13108)
* Clean up of usage of executable path in services
* Don't leak a file descriptor to os.devnull by default (13162)
* Allow bsd operating systems to use the linux binary
* Close trio memory channel sender after the driver is quit (13151)
* Remote webdriver cannot match Chromium browser name for remote connection
* Remove deprecated reuse_service parameter from Safari driver constructor
* Remove deprecated quiet parameter from Safari service constructor
* Ensure all drivers stop service during driver quit
* Update chromium driver constructors for readability
* Add CDP for Chrome 120 and remove 117


* Fix bug for unzipping downloaded files


* Fix bug in using SE_MANAGER_PATH
* Fix inadvertent code change in mutation_event


* Return a `pathlib.Path` when `SE_MANAGER_PATH` is set. closes 12929
* Do not set browser binary in selenium manager if it is an empty string (12738)
* Add CDP v119 and remove v116
* Remove selenium manager accommodation for Conda
* Implement file downloads (12979)
* Add some type hints to selenium.webdriver.support (13070)


* add CDP files for v118 and remove v115
* use lazy string interpolation for logging calls
* Fix dangling log_output in Service (12871)


* add CDP files for v117 and remove v114
* do not send parameters in payload that are used in endpoint (12685)
* close out driver logging on quit (12637)
* disable console appearing on windows when running in pythonw (12715)
* remove deprecated headless methods
* fix bug preventing using performance logging in chromium
* remove deprecation notice from Firefox profiles
* Allow users to set Selenium Manager path by environment variable (12752)


* Add CDP files for v116 and remove v113
* fix bug in ElementScrollBehavior in IE Options (12462)
* fix bug preventing sending keys with long strings (12474)
* fix typing for action_chains (12477)
* fix typing for IE Options (12464)
* fix bug in common options (12499)
* allow setting http client certifications with REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE env (11957)
* support conda installation of selenium manager (12536)
* Drop support for `python3.7`
* Fixed a bug where `Popen.wait()` calls caught the wrong exceptions when timing out


* better bug fix for 12454


* Delete unusable Safari Options parameters to fix bug preventing Safari execution (12454)


* Add CDP files for v115 and remove v112
* removed redundant attributes `capabilities` and `set_capability` in wpewebkit/options.py (12169)
* mapped all error codes in `errorhandler.py` to corresponding exception object. (12190)
* improve driver logging (12103) - implement log_output() for flexibility and consistency of driver logging
* fix property name in Selenium Manager (12237)
* used truthy check instead of checking for length in `to_capabilities` method in `ie/options.py` (12262)
* remote commands dict is moved outside `RemoteConnection` class in `remote/remote_connection.py` (12261)
* moved `ConnectionType` class outside `Mobile` class to avoid nesting of classes (12256)
* used `pathlib` module to check if the file exist in `remote/file_detector.py` (12253)
* added truthy check in chromium options instead of identity operator (12274)
* added pythonic approach of type checking in `firefox/firefox_profile.py` (12271)
* let users pass service args to IE driver (12272)
* Adding ignore process match for IE Mode across bindings (12279)
* moved all ie options to custom descriptors. (12283)
* minor ie-options fix to PR 12283 (12309), fixes 12283
* added type hints to `SwitchTo` class (12296)
* Refactored Proxy object in common/proxy.py using custom descriptor. (12286)
* optimized Timeouts class by moving timeouts to descriptor class (12287)
* added type hinting support to ActionChains and Alert class (12290)
* Moved all `PrintOptions` class attributes to custom descriptor class. (12297)
* Use Selenium Manager to locate drivers on PATH (12356
* Enable cdp to work for edge
* Update docstring of wait.py so it can also cover the case of WebElement as 1st arg of WebDriverWait. (12376)
* Added type hinting support to `common/actions` libraries. (12325)
* Fix type of `ignore_proxy` in `ChromiumRemoteconnection`
* set exception direct cause when switching frame focus when NSE is raised
* Raise a more generic `ValueError` when proxy type is not acceptable
* Add browser output from selenium manager to options (12404)
* Add check=False explicitly to subprocess calls; simplify `keys_to_typing`
* Expose `WPEWebKitService` and `WebKitGTKService` in the public API
* Remove deprecated `ActionChains.scroll(...)`
* Removed unused variable `DEFAULT_SAFARI_CAPS` in `safari/webdriver.py` (12416)
* Added type checks in `setter` methods of different browser options (12328)
* Add creation flag for windows in selenium_manager (12435)
* Fix checking window handles for current


* Add CDP files for v114 and remove v111
* Fix bug preventing proxy from working in Options classes (12029)
* Add proxy support for Selenium Manager (12032)
* Additional updates to typing (12067, 12106)
* Add support for changing pointers in Actions class (11521)
* Remove browser filters for shadow root element searches (12112)
* Remove significant amounts of deprecated code (12030)
* Improve near relative locator behavior (11290)
* Change Selenium Manager logging to debug (12145)
* Add links to documentation in error messages (12156)
* Add custom error class for driver location and improve error logic
* Fix bug in BiDi mutation events


* Add CDP files for v113 and remove v110
* Minor fixes for docstring and dictionary declarations (11975)
* Update logging to match other bindings (11990)
* Support newer versions of urllib3 (11993)


* Remove "shadow_root" assertion in Python bindings for Firefox (11821)
* Simplify driver binary and driver location selecting (11864)
* Do not pass desired caps in Safari (11854)
* Selenium Manager get Browser Version from Options classes
* Selenium Manager use binary from Browser Options
* Adding v112 and removing v109


* Add fine grained control for arguments provided to service subprocesses by passing a `popen_kw` mapping for all services.
* `Options` classes now allow `timeout` to be set partially and no longer raise an exception when all values are not provided. (11623)
* No longer sending `SIGKILL` to subprocesses in instances where `SIGTERM` was successful within 60 seconds.
* Add CDP files for v111 and remove v108
* Pass default to `pop` when parsing service popen_kw
* Using json output with Selenium Manager
* Sphinx config update to keep invoked methods and shorter aliases in documentation (11802)


* Update tox.ini for a valid "isort" version (11667)
* Undo a bug fix that caused a worse bug. (11666)


* Add CDP files for v110 and remove v107
* pylint fixes including tidy of f strings, simplifications of conditional statements and isinstances (11205)
* Replace devtools genrule with proper generate_devtools rule. (11392)
* Add docstring for `alert_is_present`
* Updating Selenium Manager binaries for 4.8.1 release


* Add CDP files for v109 and remove v106
* Add logging to Selenium Manager for both stdout and stderr
* Multiple updates and improvements to types
* Fix sdist tar package_dir (11416)
* Add comment with name of large JS executions (11038)
* Deprecate headless property for chromium and firefox options classes (11467)


* Put selenium manager bug fix from 4.7.1 in the correct place


* Fix bug preventing selenium manager from using Internet Explorer


* Add CDP files for v108 and remove v105
* Improve error handling with Selenium Manager (11329)
* Fix bug preventing alternate package managers from using Selenium Manager (11234)


* Replace response.getheader() with response.headers.get() (deprecated in urllib3 1.26.13).
* Fixed a bug in `Service` destructors accessing modules that no longer existed during interpreter shutdown.
* Improved exception messages when raising for `relative` locator issues.


* Document firefox `service=` arg. closes 11067
* Additional types and tidying safari service
* Revert removal of default executable global for safari
* Additional types; remove unused `permissions.py`
* Remove `RemoteDriverServerException`
* Remove unused `send_remote_shutdown_command` implementations in services
* Update `log_path` docs for non chromium based services
* Make `get_screenshot_as_file()` work with pathlib.Paths (11095)
* Remove `protocols.py`
* fix typing in get_full_page_screenshot_as_png (11163)
* typo in error message (11166)
* Adding CDP files for v107 and removing v104
* add initial support for selenium manager
* Revert "[py] do not allow Select class to work with disabled selects"
* 11093 - The SessionId shouldn't be added to params themself bu… (11121)


* Fix frame_to_be_available_and_switch_to_it() for string inputs (10963)
* Implicit non w3c capability conversion for `acceptSslCerts`, `platform` and `version` is now deprecated
* Additional type hints
* Bugfix options returning `None` when strict_file_interactability, set_window_rect or accept_insecure_certs are not set
* Add CDP for v105, remove support for v102
* Add CDP for v106, remove support for v103


* Update explicit dependency for certifi to remove upper bound (10956)


* Add explicit dependency for certifi (10953)


* Removal of urllib3[secure] extras (deprecated) dependency


* More flexibility in locating Firefox binary (10818)
* Add CDP for v104, remove support for v101
* Throw error when setting w3c to False on Chromium, and warning when setting w3c to True


* Deprecated find_element_by_* and find_elements_by_* are now removed (10712)
* Deprecated Opera support has been removed (10630)
* Fully upgraded from python 2x to 3.7 syntax and features (10647)
* Added a devtools version fallback mechanism to look for an older version when mismatch occurs (10749)
* Better support for co-operative multi inheritance by utilising super() throughout
* Improved type hints throughout


* Fix bug preventing Firefox from setting accept_insecure_certs to False (10442)
* Deprecated opera classes as not w3c compatible (10379)
* Fix SecurityError: Invalid Domain problem (10653)
* Implement convenience methods for scrolling


* use `typing_extensions` to be compatible with `py37` (10613)


* Hook options class in safari driver (10433)
* Remove universal wheel, python 2 is unsupported (10438)
* Fix `tox -e docs` by pinning `Jinja2` (10492)
* Add support Chrome 100 and remove for Chrome 97
* Removed desired capabilities from handshake code (10494)
* Invalid selector exceptions are is not a no such element exception
* Do not convert tag name to css selector
* Add debug logging for urllib response data (10568)
* Use monotonic clock for waits, fixes 10544 (10550)
* Adding Chrome DevTools 101 and removing 98
* Add the ability to create sdist package of the python bindings
* Remove unicode prefix for strings (10562)
* Use `get_timeout()` for urllib pool manager timeouts in remote connection (10563)
* Fixing "--connect-existing" 10598
* Added DeprecationWarning to the warnings.warn methods inside the find_element_by_x methods (10575)
* Added virtual authenticator for Python Bindings (10579)


* fix generated wheel asset (10022)
* add support for proxy authentication (10358)
* add Safari options (10385)
* add support for Firefox to install unpacked addons (10308)
* add support for Chrome 99 and remove support for Chrome 96


* Include `py.typed` in the library


* add support for Chrome 98 and remove support for Chrome 95
* Add py.typed file (10310)
* Elaborate find_element deprecation message (10273)
* add support for Chrome v97
* convert selectors for finding elements in shadow dom
* missing self for service args
* don't use websocket-port if user sets connect-existing (a4dc6e)
* update tests for current IE options
* fix firefox addon tests
* Support new Cast command added to Chrome Devtools (10150)
* send Base64 encoded addon to driver instead of path String
* Reflect how find_elements returns a list, not just one WebElement. (10172)
* add shadowroot to api docs
* add log reference to api rst file
* remove non breaking space for doc generation
* Updating exceptions file for docs
* Add type hinting to Shadowroot
* update ShadowRoot find element signatures to match those in WebElement (10138)
* add Zenkaku/Hankaku key
* raise `NoSuchElementException` for relative failures instead of `IndexError` (10078)
* Remove legacy in favour of W3C endpoints. (10075)
* Tidy relativeby docs, use non deprecated methods in webserver (10077, 10103, 10108, 10186, 10212, 10120)
* PEP 484 type hints s (10099)
* Handle Socks Proxy for Remote Connections. Fixes 10091
* Add extra attributes to pointer down and pointer move actions
* Add Scroll via Wheel Inputs and Wheel Actions


* add warning if people set w3c to false as it may break their tests
* Fix wrong type annotations for "env" it's a dict not a string (10072)
* Added default executable path in service module for (10057)
* Fix typos for docstrings (10052)
* Fix return type hint in get_screenshot_as_png (10060)
* Add CDP for v96, remove support for v92 and v93
* Add support for shadow dom end points
* Upgrade sphinx to use latest
* Correct docstrings around Service usage
* XFail alert tests due to https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi\?id\=1731795
* Remove py2 import code
* Check the values in NO_PROXY and set the poolmanager accordingly (9925, 9967)
* Move python version to a variable to be shared about in build steps
* Bump Bazel rules_pkg to 0.5.1


* Update driver initialisation to use service and option objects
* turn on keep-alive by default for remote connections (7072)
* Fix ConnectionResetError
* Add new Cast commands
* Suggest download Microsoft Webdriver over HTTPS
* Clear PoolManager in ‘remote_connection’ to ensure sockets are closed
* remove --disable-gpu option for headless Chrome
* Add support for the New Window command (6873)
* Update docstrings in Options classes to allow documentation to highlight Return values
* Fix typos in select.py (6925)
* Remove native events handling code
* Deleting unused imports, fixing flake8 issues
* Remove unused port selection in IE Driver
* Enabling tests xpassed in Chrome
* Pretty-printing code samples
* remove all deprecated methods and args from Python bindings
* Fix DeprecationWarning: invalid escape sequence
* Don't override browser options with desired capabilities by default in WebKitGTK (6814)
* Add WebKitGTK to API docs (6815)
* Subclass options classes from a common base class (6522)
* Update Sphinx (6728)
* WebDriverWait: update documentation for until and until_not (6711)
* Fix typo in description of WebDriver class (6724)
* add strictFileInteractability to acceptable W3C capabilities
* Deprecate Blackberry Driver support
* Fixing/tidying docstring.


* Add cdp 95 to python and JS
* Remove Edge legacy options. (9908)
* Expected condition for checking attribute value (9881)
* implement relative locator for find_element (9902)
* Fix python generation code for CDP to optionals better

Selenium 4 Release Candidate 3

* Fix CDP Code Generation broken by Chromium 94
* Fix Deprecation warnings for IE Bindings. Fixes 9818

Selenium 4 Release Candidate 2

* Add new websocketUrl capability
* Force free ports for cdp in geckodriver
* Add w3c capabilities to Python options (9870)
* expected_conditions and wait modules raises InvalidSelectorException for invalid xpaths (9805)
* implement chromium specific endpoint for setting permissions
* implement chromium specific endpoint for deleting network conditions
* update ruby, python and JS to add support for v94 and remove support for v92
* Fix type hint on chrome option method (9840)
* Allows None to be set for the sameSite attribute (9771)
* Fix typo in python webdriver for IE (9801)

Selenium 4 Release Candidate 1

* Remove cdp versions 88, 89, and 90
* Replace v91 with v93 in bazel files
* update IE options class in each language to match the currently supported capabilities in the IE Driver
* Specify that the "find_element_by_* ..." warning is a deprecation warning (9700)
* clean up imports
* Use options when passing things to remote webdriver instead of capabilities (9678)
* Correct deprecation message in IE handling code
* Rewrite the logging module for bidi connections
* remove non-w3c compliant parameters from default capabilities
* Run type checks in CI and report typing coverage to codecov (9523)
* PEP 484 Type Hints added
* Handle first/always match better when it hits lists/dicts. Fixes 9538
* correct tox warnings
* Fix deprecation warnings for Safari (9577)
* Allow 0 coordinates for the window position. Fixes 9574
* Fix incorrect use of 'NoReturn' type annotation. (9540)

Selenium 4 Beta 4 (The Final Beta)

* Returning fixed IP in GitHub actions (9550)
* PEP 484 type hints for common.exceptions and webdriver.support.color (9482)
* Add the ability to pass in multiple options and have that capabilities returned as (first|always)Match
* Add docstrings for RelativeBy
* Add the ability to pass in different locators to do Relative Locator searches
* Add a test with returning a JS Const object 9468
* Handle poor responses from drivers when there are errors. Fixes 9437
* Add the ability to enable mobile on options classes
* Add the ability to use Options classes on Safari
* Fix converting list of tuples to str in send_keys (9330)
* Expand element to be clickable in expected conditions(9374)
* Upgrade rules_python to 0.2.0

Selenium 4 Beta 3

* Enable more tests
* Improve support for WebDriver Bidi over selenium grid
* Update CDP Support versions to remove 86,87 and add 90,91
* Allow overriding the default 250 msecs duration of pointer movement (9336)
* Only give deprecation warning if Profile is being used in options
* Loosen version requirements on dependencies. Fixes 9312
* Bump urllib3 from 1.26.2 to 1.26.3 in /py (9311)
* Disable wait on frame test due to bug in Firefox
* Correct pinned browser path for chrome on linux

Selenium 4 beta 2 Post 1

* Fix Chrome instantiation

Selenium 4 beta 2

* Set up python for pinned browsers
* Add Multiple file upload test
* Fix using arguments in Chrome Option. Fixes  9281
* Deprecate arguments in remote webdriver instantiation
* Improve proxy via options test for Firefox
* Set Chromium Edge to be the default for Edge browsers
* Move code so that it is reachable
* Fix usage of options to RemoteWebDriver (9240)
* Deprecate using a Firefox profile in Options
* use attribute endpoint to evaluate multiple selects
* implement get_dom_attribute
* Add attribute_to_be_include method to expected_conditions when the at… (9200)
* Additional Python type hints (9192)
* Correct Type Hinting on option method. Fixes 9210
* Use a flat namespace for selenium options
* remove unused imports
* Add ARIA APIs for getting the role and label of an Element
* Fix homepage attribute in wheel target
* Avoid using bazel native python rules
  • PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/selenium
  • Changelog: https://data.safetycli.com/changelogs/selenium/
  • Homepage: https://www.selenium.dev

Update Sphinx from 7.2.6 to 7.4.7.




Bugs fixed

* 12096: Warn when files are overwritten in the build directory.
Patch by Adam Turner and Bénédikt Tran.
* 12620: Ensure that old-style object description options are respected.
Patch by Adam Turner.
* 12601, 12625: Support callable objects in :py:class:`~typing.Annotated` type
metadata in the Python domain.
Patch by Adam Turner.
* 12601, 12622: Resolve :py:class:`~typing.Annotated` warnings with
especially when using :mod:`dataclasses` as type metadata.
Patch by Adam Turner.
* 12589, 12626: autosummary: Fix warnings with :rst:role:`!autolink`.
Patch by Adam Turner.



Bugs fixed

* 12589, 9743, 12609: autosummary: Do not add the package prefix when
generating autosummary directives for modules within a package.
Patch by Adam Turner.
* 12613: Reduce log severity for ambiguity detection during inventory loading.
Patch by James Addison.



Bugs fixed

* 12593, 12600: Revert coercing the type of selected :confval:`html_sidebars`
values to a list.
Log an error message when string values are detected.
Patch by Adam Turner.
* 12594: LaTeX: since 7.4.0, :rst:dir:`seealso` and other "light" admonitions
now break PDF builds if they contain a :dudir:`figure` directive; and also
if they are contained in a table cell (rendered by ``tabulary``).
Patch by Jean-François B.



Bugs fixed

* 12585, 12586: Do not warn when an intersphinx inventory contains
case-insensitively ambiguous duplicate items.
Patch by James Addison.



Bugs fixed

* 12582: Restore support for list-styled :confval:`source_suffix` values
with extensions that register parsers.
Patch by Adam Turner.



Bugs fixed

* 12580, 12583: Resolve failures with the C domain on incremental builds
with Sphinx 7.3.7 and earlier.
Patch by Adam Turner.



Bugs fixed

* Fix invalid HTML when a rubric node with invalid ``heading-level`` is used.
Patch by Adam Turner.
* 12579, 12581: Restore support for ``typing.ParamSpec`` in autodoc.
Patch by Adam Turner.




* 12555: Drop Docutils 0.18.1 and Docutils 0.19 support.
Patch by Adam Turner.
* LaTeX: the ``xcolor`` package is now required (but is for example part of
Ubuntu ``texlive-latex-recommended`` which has always been required).
* LaTeX: the ``fontawesome5`` LaTeX package is needed for the default choices
of icons now used in admonition titles in PDF output; but if unavailable the
PDF build will simply silently omit rendering such icons.  Check the
documentation of the ``iconpackage`` key of :ref:`'sphinxsetup'
<latexsphinxsetup>` for more.


* LaTeX: the ``sphinxlightbox`` environment is not used anymore, all types
of admonitions use (by default) only ``sphinxheavybox``.

Features added

.. rst-class:: compact

* 11165: Support the `officially recommended`_ ``.jinja`` suffix for template
Patch by James Addison and Adam Turner

.. _officially recommended: https://jinja.palletsprojects.com/en/latest/templates/#template-file-extension
* 12325: Flatten ``Union[Literal[T], Literal[U], ...]`` to ``Literal[T, U, ...]``
when turning annotations into strings.
Patch by Adam Turner.
* 12319: ``sphinx.ext.extlinks``: Add ``extlink-{name}`` CSS class to links.
Patch by Hugo van Kemenade.
* 12387: Improve CLI progress message, when copying assets.
Patch by INADA Nakoi and Bénédikt Tran.
* 12361: Add :attr:`.BuildEnvironment.parser`.
Patch by Chris Sewell.
* 12358: Add :attr:`.Sphinx.fresh_env_used`.
Patch by Chris Sewell.
* 12329: Add detection of ambiguous ``std:label`` and ``std:term`` references during
loading and resolution of Intersphinx targets.
Patch by James Addison.
* 12422: Do not duplicate "navigation" in aria-label of built-in themes.
Patch by Thomas Weißschuh
* 12421: Include project name in ``logo_alt`` of built-in themes.
Patch by Thomas Weißschuh
* 12448: Add :option:`sphinx-apidoc --remove-old` option.
Patch by Chris Sewell.
* 12456: Add :option:`sphinx-autogen --remove-old` option.
Patch by Chris Sewell.
* 12479: Add warning subtype ``toc.no_title``.
Patch by Ondřej Navrátil.
* 12492: Add helper methods for parsing reStructuredText content into nodes from
within a directive.

- :py:meth:`~sphinx.util.docutils.SphinxDirective.parse_content_to_nodes()`
 parses the directive's content and returns a list of Docutils nodes.
- :py:meth:`~sphinx.util.docutils.SphinxDirective.parse_text_to_nodes()`
 parses the provided text and returns a list of Docutils nodes.
- :py:meth:`~sphinx.util.docutils.SphinxDirective.parse_inline()`
 parses the provided text into inline elements and text nodes.

Patch by Adam Turner.
* 12258: Support ``typing_extensions.Unpack``
Patch by Bénédikt Tran and Adam Turner.
* 12524: Add a ``class`` option to the :rst:dir:`toctree` directive.
Patch by Tim Hoffmann.
* 12536: Add the :rst:dir:`confval` directive.
Patch by Adam Turner.
* 12537: :confval:`c_id_attributes`, :confval:`c_paren_attributes`,
:confval:`cpp_id_attributes`, and :confval:`cpp_paren_attributes`
can now be a tuple of strings.
:confval:`c_extra_keywords`, :confval:`gettext_additional_targets`,
:confval:`html_domain_indices`, :confval:`latex_domain_indices`,
and :confval:`texinfo_domain_indices`,
can now be a set of strings.
Patch by Adam Turner.
* 12523: Added configuration option, :confval:`math_numsep`, to define the
separator for math numbering.
Patch by Thomas Fanning
* 11592: Add :confval:`coverage_modules` to the coverage builder
to allow explicitly specifying which modules should be documented.
Patch by Stephen Finucane.
* 7896, 11989: Add a :rst:dir:`py:type` directive for documenting type aliases,
and a :rst:role:`py:type` role for linking to them.
Patch by Ashley Whetter.
* 12549: Add optional ``description`` argument to
Patch by Chris Sewell.
* 6792: Prohibit module import cycles in :mod:`sphinx.ext.autosummary`.
Patch by Trevor Bekolay.
* 12508: LaTeX: Revamped styling of all admonitions, with addition of a
title row with icon.
Patch by Jean-François B.
* 11773: Display :py:class:`~typing.Annotated` annotations
with their metadata in the Python domain.
Patch by Adam Turner and David Stansby.
* 12506: Add ``heading-level`` option to :rst:dir:`rubric` directive.
Patch by Chris Sewell.
* 12567: Add the :event:`write-started` event.
Patch by Chris Sewell.

Bugs fixed

* 12314: Properly format ``collections.abc.Callable`` in annotations.
Patch by Adam Turner.
* 12162: Fix a performance regression in the C domain that has
been present since version 3.0.0.
Patch by Donald Hunter.
* 12320: Fix removal of anchors from search summaries (regression in 7.3.0).
Patch by Will Lachance.
* 12251: Fix ``merge_domaindata()`` in ``sphinx.ext.duration``.
Patch by Matthias Geier.
* 12224: Properly detect WebP files.
Patch by Benjamin Cabé.
* 12380: LaTeX: Avoid footnote markers ``Page N`` when ``N`` is already
the current page number.
Patch by Jean-François B.
* 12410: LaTeX: for French and ``'lualatex'`` as :confval:`latex_engine`
use ``babel`` as with ``'xelatex'`` (and not ``polyglossia``).
Patch by Jean-François B.
* 12520: LaTeX: let :rst:dir:`todolist` produce correct hyperlinks in PDF.
Patch by Jean-François B.
* 12416: Ensure that configuration setting aliases are always synchronised
when one value or the other is modified.
Patch by Bénédikt Tran.
* 12220: Fix loading custom template translations for ``en`` locale.
Patch by Nicolas Peugnet.
* 12459: Add valid-type arguments to the ``linkcheck_rate_limit_timeout``
configuration setting.
Patch by James Addison.
* 12331: Resolve data-URI-image-extraction regression from v7.3.0 affecting
builders without native support for data-URIs in their output format.
Patch by James Addison.
* 12494: Fix invalid genindex.html file produced with translated docs
(regression in 7.1.0).
Patch by Nicolas Peugnet.
* 11961: Omit anchor references from document title entries in the search index,
removing duplication of search results.
Patch by James Addison.
* 12425: Use Docutils' SVG processing in the HTML builder
and remove Sphinx's custom logic.
Patch by Tunç Başar Köse.
* 12391: Adjust scoring of matches during HTML search so that document main
titles tend to rank higher than subsection titles. In addition, boost matches
on the name of programming domain objects relative to title/subtitle matches.
Patch by James Addison and Will Lachance.
* 9634: Do not add a fallback language by stripping the country code.
Patch by Alvin Wong.
* 12352: Add domain objects to the table of contents
in the same order as defined in the document.
Previously, each domain used language-specific nesting rules,
which removed control from document authors.
Patch by Jakob Lykke Andersen and Adam Turner.
* 11041: linkcheck: Ignore URLs that respond with non-Unicode content.
Patch by James Addison.
* 12543: Fix :pep:`695` formatting for LaTeX output.
Patch by Bénédikt Tran.


* karma: refactor HTML search tests to use fixtures generated by Sphinx.
Patch by James Addison.



Bugs fixed

* 12299: Defer loading themes defined via entry points until
their explicit use by the user or a child theme.
Patch by Adam Turner.
* 12305: Return the default value for ``theme.get_config()`` with
an unsupported theme configuration section.
Patch by Adam Turner.



Bugs fixed

* 12295: Re-export all AST types in the C and C++ domains.
Patch by Adam Turner.
* 12295: Re-export various objects from ``sphinx.domains.python._annotations``
in ``sphinx.domains.python``.
Patch by Jacob Chesslo and Adam Turner.



Bugs fixed

* 12295: Re-export various objects from ``sphinx.domains.python._object``
in ``sphinx.domains.python``.
Patch by Jacob Chesslo and Adam Turner.



Bugs fixed

* Handle cases when ``Any`` is not an instance of ``type``.
Patch by Adam Turner.



Bugs fixed

* 12290: Fix a false-positive warning when setting a configuration value
with ``Any`` as the valid type to a type other than the value's default.
Patch by Adam Turner.



Bugs fixed

* Preload all themes defined via entry points.
Patch by Adam Turner.
* Fix a bad interaction between the ``'Furo'`` theme and the new-style for
configuration values.
Patch by Adam Turner.




* Require ``tomli`` on Python 3.10 and earlier.
Patch by Adam Turner.




* 11858: Increase the minimum supported version of Alabaster to 0.7.14.
Patch by Adam Turner.
* 11411: Support `Docutils 0.21`_. Patch by Adam Turner.

.. _Docutils 0.21: https://docutils.sourceforge.io/RELEASE-NOTES.html#release-0-21-2024-04-09
* 12012: Use ``types-docutils`` instead of ``docutils-stubs``.


* 11693: Support for old-style :file:`Makefile` and :file:`make.bat` output
in :program:`sphinx-quickstart`, and the associated options :option:`!-M`,
:option:`!-m`, :option:`!--no-use-make-mode`, and :option:`!--use-make-mode`.
* 11285: Direct access to :attr:`!sphinx.testing.util.SphinxTestApp._status`
or :attr:`!sphinx.testing.util.SphinxTestApp._warning` is deprecated. Use
the public properties :attr:`!sphinx.testing.util.SphinxTestApp.status`
and :attr:`!sphinx.testing.util.SphinxTestApp.warning` instead.
Patch by Bénédikt Tran.
* tests: :func:`!sphinx.testing.util.strip_escseq` is deprecated in favour of
Patch by Bénédikt Tran.

Features added

* 12265: Support theme configuration via ``theme.toml``.
* 11701: HTML Search: Adopt the new `\<search\>`_ element.
Patch by Bénédikt Tran.

.. _`\<search\>`: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/search
* 11776: Add long option names to ``sphinx-build``.
Patch by Hugo van Kemenade, Adam Turner, Bénédikt Tran, and Ezio Melotti.
* Organise the ``sphinx-build`` options into groups.
Patch by Adam Turner.
* 11855: Defer computation of configuration values.
Patch by Adam Turner.
* Add ``:no-search:`` as an alias of the ``:nosearch:`` metadata field.
Patch by Adam Turner.
* 11803: autodoc: Use an overridden ``__repr__()`` function in an enum,
if defined. Patch by Shengyu Zhang.
* 11825: Allow custom targets in the manpage role.
Patch by Nicolas Peugnet.
* 11892: Improved performance when resolving cross references in the C++ domain.
Patch by Rouslan Korneychuk.
* 11905: Add a :rst:dir:`versionremoved` directive.
Patch by Hugo van Kemenade, Adam Turner, and C.A.M. Gerlach.
* 11981: Improve rendering of signatures using ``slice`` syntax,
e.g., ``def foo(arg: np.float64[:,:]) -> None: ...``.
* The manpage builder now adds `OSC 8`_ anchors to hyperlinks, using
the `groff`_ device control command.

.. _OSC 8: https://gist.github.com/egmontkob/eb114294efbcd5adb1944c9f3cb5feda
.. _groff: https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/groff/2021-10/msg00000.html
* 11015: Change the text of the :rst:dir:`versionadded` directive from
``New in [...]`` to ``Added in [...]``.
Patch by Bénédikt Tran.
* 12131: Added :confval:`show_warning_types` configuration option.
Patch by Chris Sewell.
* 12193: Improve ``external`` warnings for unknown roles.
In particular, suggest related role names if an object type is mistakenly used.
Patch by Chris Sewell.
* Add public type alias :class:`sphinx.util.typing.ExtensionMetadata`.
This can be used by extension developers
to annotate the return type of their ``setup`` function.
Patch by Chris Sewell.

Bugs fixed

* 11668: Raise a useful error when ``theme.conf`` is missing.
Patch by Vinay Sajip.
* 11622: Ensure that the order of keys in ``searchindex.js`` is deterministic.
Patch by Pietro Albini.
* 11617: ANSI control sequences are stripped from the output when writing to
a warnings file with :option:`-w <sphinx-build -w>`.
Patch by Bénédikt Tran.
* 11666: Skip all hidden directories in ``CatalogRepository.pofiles``.
Patch by Aryaz Eghbali.
* 9686: html builder: Fix MathJax lazy loading when equations appear in titles.
Patch by Bénédikt Tran.
* 11483: singlehtml builder: Fix MathJax lazy loading when the index does not
contain any math equations.
Patch by Bénédikt Tran.
* 11697: HTML Search: add 'noindex' meta robots tag.
Patch by James Addison.
* 11678: Fix a possible ``ZeroDivisionError`` in ``sphinx.ext.coverage``.
Patch by Stephen Finucane.
* 11756: LaTeX: build error with recent TeXLive due to missing ``substitutefont``
package (triggered if using ``fontenc`` with ``T2A`` option and document
language is not a Cyrillic one).
Patch by Jean-François B.
* 11675: Fix rendering of progression bars in environments that do not support
ANSI control sequences.
Patch by Bénédikt Tran.
* 11861: Whitelist more types with an incorrect ``__module__`` attribute.
Patch by Adam Turner.
* 11715: Apply ``tls_verify`` and ``tls_cacerts`` config to
Patch by Nick Touran.
* Allow hyphens in group names for :rst:dir:`productionlist` cross-references.
Patch by Adam Turner.
* 11433: Added the :confval:`linkcheck_allow_unauthorized` configuration option.
Set this option to ``False`` to report HTTP 401 (unauthorized) server
responses as broken.
Patch by James Addison.
* 11868: linkcheck: added a distinct ``timeout`` reporting status code.
This can be enabled by setting :confval:`linkcheck_report_timeouts_as_broken`
to ``False``.
Patch by James Addison.
* 11869: Refresh the documentation for the ``linkcheck_timeout`` setting.
Patch by James Addison.
* 11874: Configure a default 30-second value for ``linkcheck_timeout``.
Patch by James Addison.
* 11886: Print the Jinja2 template path chain in ``TemplateNotFound`` exceptions.
Patch by Colin Marquardt.
* 11598: Do not use query components in URLs for assets in EPUB rendering.
Patch by David Runge.
* 11904: Support unary subtraction when parsing annotations.
Patch by James Addison.
* 11925: Blacklist the ``sphinxprettysearchresults`` extension; the functionality
it provides was merged into Sphinx v2.0.0.
Patch by James Addison.
* 11917: Fix rendering of annotated inherited members for Python 3.9.
Patch by Janet Carson.
* 11935: C Domain: Fix namespace-pop context.
Patch by Frank Dana.
* 11923: Avoid zombie processes when parallel builds fail.
Patch by Felix von Drigalski.
* 11353: Support enumeration classes inheriting from mixin or data types.
Patch by Bénédikt Tran.
* 11962: Fix target resolution when using ``:paramtype:`` fields.
Patch by Bénédikt Tran.
* 11944: Use anchor in search preview.
Patch by Will Lachance.
* 12008: Fix case-sensitive lookup of ``std:label`` names in intersphinx inventory.
Patch by Michael Goerz.
* 11958: HTML Search: Fix partial matches overwriting full matches.
Patch by William Lachance.
* 11959: Fix multiple term matching when word appears in both title and document.
Patch by Will Lachance.
* 11474: Fix doctrees caching causing files not be rebuilt in some cases,
e.g., when :confval:`numfig` is ``True``.
Patch by Bénédikt Tran.
* 11278: autodoc: Fix rendering of :class:`functools.singledispatchmethod`
combined with :func:`classmethod <classmethod>`.
Patch by Bénédikt Tran.
* 11894: Do not add checksums to css files if building using the htmlhelp builder.
Patch by reduerK akiM.
* 12052: Remove ``<script>`` and ``<style>`` tags from the content of search result
summary snippets.
Patch by James Addison.
* 11578: HTML Search: Order non-main index entries after other results.
Patch by Brad King.
* 12147: autosummary: Fix a bug whereby the wrong file extension
may be used,
when multiple suffixes are specified in :confval:`source_suffix`.
Patch by Sutou Kouhei.
* 10786: improve the error message when a file to be copied (e.g., an asset)
is removed during Sphinx execution.
Patch by Bénédikt Tran.
* 12040: HTML Search: Ensure that document titles that are partially-matched by
the user search query are included in search results.
Patch by James Addison.
* 11970: singlehtml builder: make target URIs to be same-document references in
the sense of :rfc:`RFC 3986, §4.4 <3986section-4.4>`, e.g., ``index.htmlfoo``
becomes ``foo``. Patch by Eric Norige.
* 12271: Partially revert Docutils' r9562__ to fix EPUB files.
Patch by Adam Turner.

__ https://sourceforge.net/p/docutils/code/9562/
* 12253: Escape reserved path characters in the remote images post-transform
download cache.
Patch by James Addison and Adam Turner.


* Reorganise tests into directories.
Patch by Adam Turner.
* Clean up global state in ``SphinxTestApp``.
Patch by Adam Turner.
* 11285: :func:`!pytest.mark.sphinx` and :class:`!sphinx.testing.util.SphinxTestApp`
accept *warningiserror*, *keep_going* and *verbosity* as keyword arguments.
Patch by Bénédikt Tran.
* 11285: :class:`!sphinx.testing.util.SphinxTestApp` *status* and *warning*
arguments are checked to be :class:`io.StringIO` objects (the public API
incorrectly assumed this without checking it).
Patch by Bénédikt Tran.
* Report the result of ``test_run_epubcheck`` as ``skipped`` instead of
``success`` when either Java or ``epubcheck`` are not available.
* Use dynamic allocation of unused port numbers for the test HTTP(S) servers.
As a side-effect, this removes the need for test server lockfiles,
meaning that any remaining ``tests/test-server.lock`` files can safely be
  • PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/sphinx
  • Changelog: https://data.safetycli.com/changelogs/sphinx/

Update sphinx-autodoc-typehints from 2.0.0 to 2.2.3.

The bot wasn't able to find a changelog for this release. Got an idea?

  • PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/sphinx-autodoc-typehints
  • Changelog: https://data.safetycli.com/changelogs/sphinx-autodoc-typehints/

Update pip from 24.0 to 24.2.




Deprecations and Removals

- Deprecate ``pip install --editable`` falling back to ``setup.py develop``
when using a setuptools version that does not support :pep:`660`
(setuptools v63 and older). (`11457 <https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/11457>`_)


- Check unsupported packages for the current platform. (`11054 <https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/11054>`_)
- Use system certificates *and* certifi certificates to verify HTTPS connections on Python 3.10+.
Python 3.9 and earlier only use certifi.

To revert to previous behaviour, pass the flag ``--use-deprecated=legacy-certs``. (`11647 <https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/11647>`_)
- Improve discovery performance of installed packages when the ``importlib.metadata``
backend is used to load distribution metadata (used by default under Python 3.11+). (`12656 <https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/12656>`_)
- Improve performance when the same requirement string appears many times during
resolution, by consistently caching the parsed requirement string. (`12663 <https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/12663>`_)
- Minor performance improvement of finding applicable package candidates by not
repeatedly calculating their versions (`12664 <https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/12664>`_)
- Disable pip's self version check when invoking a pip subprocess to install
PEP 517 build requirements. (`12683 <https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/12683>`_)
- Improve dependency resolution performance by caching platform compatibility
tags during wheel cache lookup. (`12712 <https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/12712>`_)
- ``wheel`` is no longer explicitly listed as a build dependency of ``pip``.
``setuptools`` injects this dependency in the ``get_requires_for_build_wheel()``
hook and no longer needs it on newer versions. (`12728 <https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/12728>`_)
- Ignore ``--require-virtualenv`` for ``pip check`` and ``pip freeze`` (`12842 <https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/12842>`_)
- Improve package download and install performance.

Increase chunk sizes when downloading (256 kB, up from 10 kB) and reading files (1 MB, up from 8 kB).
This reduces the frequency of updates to pip's progress bar. (`12810 <https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/12810>`_)
- Improve pip install performance.

Files are now extracted in 1MB blocks, or in one block matching the file size for
smaller files. A decompressor is no longer instantiated when extracting 0 bytes files,
it is not necessary because there is no data to decompress. (`12803 <https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/12803>`_)

Bug Fixes

- Set ``no_color`` to global ``rich.Console`` instance. (`11045 <https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/11045>`_)
- Fix resolution to respect ``--python-version`` when checking ``Requires-Python``. (`12216 <https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/12216>`_)
- Perform hash comparisons in a case-insensitive manner. (`12680 <https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/12680>`_)
- Avoid ``dlopen`` failure for glibc detection in musl builds (`12716 <https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/12716>`_)
- Avoid keyring logging crashes when pip is run in verbose mode. (`12751 <https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/12751>`_)
- Fix finding hardlink targets in tar files with an ignored top-level directory. (`12781 <https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/12781>`_)
- Improve pip install performance by only creating required parent
directories once, instead of before extracting every file in the wheel. (`12782 <https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/12782>`_)
- Improve pip install performance by calculating installed packages printout
in linear time instead of quadratic time. (`12791 <https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/12791>`_)

Vendored Libraries

- Remove vendored tenacity.
- Update the preload list for the ``DEBUNDLED`` case, to replace ``pep517`` that has been renamed to ``pyproject_hooks``.
- Use tomllib from the stdlib if available, rather than tomli
- Upgrade certifi to 2024.7.4
- Upgrade platformdirs to 4.2.2
- Upgrade pygments to 2.18.0
- Upgrade setuptools to 70.3.0
- Upgrade typing_extensions to 4.12.2

Improved Documentation

- Correct ``—-ignore-conflicts`` (including an em dash) to ``--ignore-conflicts``. (`12851 <https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/12851>`_)



Bug Fixes

- Fix finding hardlink targets in tar files with an ignored top-level directory. (`12781 <https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/12781>`_)



Bug Fixes

- Actually use system trust stores when the truststore feature is enabled.

Vendored Libraries

- Upgrade requests to 2.32.3



Vendored Libraries

- Upgrade truststore to 0.9.1.




- Report informative messages about invalid requirements. (`12713 <https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/12713>`_)

Bug Fixes

- Eagerly import the self version check logic to avoid crashes while upgrading or downgrading pip at the same time. (`12675 <https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/12675>`_)
- Accommodate for mismatches between different sources of truth for extra names, for packages generated by ``setuptools``. (`12688 <https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/12688>`_)
- Accommodate for development versions of CPython ending in ``+`` in the version string. (`12691 <https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/12691>`_)

Vendored Libraries

- Upgrade packaging to 24.1
- Upgrade requests to 2.32.0
- Remove vendored colorama
- Remove vendored six
- Remove vendored webencodings
- Remove vendored charset_normalizer

``requests`` provides optional character detection support on some APIs when processing ambiguous bytes. This isn't relevant for pip to function and we're able to remove it due to recent upstream changes.



Deprecations and Removals

- Drop support for EOL Python 3.7. (`11934 <https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/11934>`_)
- Remove support for legacy versions and dependency specifiers.

Packages with non standard-compliant versions or dependency specifiers are now ignored by the resolver.
Already installed packages with non standard-compliant versions or dependency specifiers
must be uninstalled before upgrading them. (`12063 <https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/12063>`_)


- Improve performance of resolution of large dependency trees, with more caching. (`12453 <https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/12453>`_)
- Further improve resolution performance of large dependency trees, by caching hash calculations. (`12657 <https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/12657>`_)
- Reduce startup time of commands (e.g. show, freeze) that do not access the network by 15-30%. (`4768 <https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/4768>`_)
- Reword and improve presentation of uninstallation errors. (`10421 <https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/10421>`_)
- Add a 'raw' progress_bar type for simple and parsable download progress reports (`11508 <https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/11508>`_)
- ``pip list`` no longer performs the pip version check unless ``--outdated`` or ``--uptodate`` is given. (`11677 <https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/11677>`_)
- Use the ``data_filter`` when extracting tarballs, if it's available. (`12111 <https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/12111>`_)
- Display the Project-URL value under key "Home-page" in ``pip show`` when the Home-Page metadata field is not set.

The Project-URL key detection is case-insensitive, and ignores any dashes and underscores. (`11221 <https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/11221>`_)

Bug Fixes

- Ensure ``-vv`` gets passed to any ``pip install`` build environment subprocesses. (`12577 <https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/12577>`_)
- Deduplicate entries in the ``Requires`` field of ``pip show``. (`12165 <https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/12165>`_)
- Fix error on checkout for subversion and bazaar with verbose mode on. (`11050 <https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/11050>`_)
- Fix exception with completions when COMP_CWORD is not set (`12401 <https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/12401>`_)
- Fix intermittent "cannot locate t64.exe" errors when upgrading pip. (`12666 <https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/12666>`_)
- Remove duplication in invalid wheel error message (`12579 <https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/12579>`_)
- Remove the incorrect pip3.x console entrypoint from the pip wheel. This console
script continues to be generated by pip when it installs itself. (`12536 <https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/12536>`_)
- Gracefully skip VCS detection in pip freeze when PATH points to a non-directory path. (`12567 <https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/12567>`_)
- Make the ``--proxy`` parameter take precedence over environment variables. (`10685 <https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/10685>`_)

Vendored Libraries

- Add charset-normalizer 3.3.2
- Remove chardet
- Remove pyparsing
- Upgrade CacheControl to 0.14.0
- Upgrade certifi to 2024.2.2
- Upgrade distro to 1.9.0
- Upgrade idna to 3.7
- Upgrade msgpack to 1.0.8
- Upgrade packaging to 24.0
- Upgrade platformdirs to 4.2.1
- Upgrade pygments to 2.17.2
- Upgrade rich to 13.7.1
- Upgrade setuptools to 69.5.1
- Upgrade tenacity to 8.2.3
- Upgrade typing_extensions to 4.11.0
- Upgrade urllib3 to 1.26.18

Improved Documentation

- Document UX research done on pip. (`10745 <https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/10745>`_)
- Fix the direct usage of zipapp showing up as ``python -m pip.pyz`` rather than ``./pip.pyz`` / ``.\pip.pyz`` (`12043 <https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/12043>`_)
- Add a warning explaining that the snippet in "Fallback behavior" is not a valid
``pyproject.toml`` snippet for projects, and link to setuptools documentation
instead. (`12122 <https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/12122>`_)
- The Python Support Policy has been updated. (`12529 <https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/12529>`_)
- Document the environment variables that correspond with CLI options. (`12576 <https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/12576>`_)
- Update architecture documentation for command line interface. (`6831 <https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/6831>`_)


- Remove ``setup.py`` since all the pip project metadata is now declared in
- Move remaining pip development tools configurations to ``pyproject.toml``.
  • PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/pip
  • Changelog: https://data.safetycli.com/changelogs/pip/

Update setuptools from 69.1.1 to 72.1.0.





- Restore the tests command and deprecate access to the module. (4519) (4520)



Deprecations and Removals

- The test command has been removed. Users relying on 'setup.py test' will need to migrate to another test runner or pin setuptools before this version. (931)




- Added return types to typed public functions -- by :user:`Avasam`

Marked `pkg_resources` as ``py.typed`` -- by :user:`Avasam` (4409)


- 4492




- Removed lingering unused code around Distribution._patched_dist. (4489)




- Reset the backports module when enabling vendored packages. (4476)




- Include all vendored files in the sdist. (4480)




- Restored package data that went missing in 71.0. This change also incidentally causes tests to be installed once again. (4475)



Deprecations and Removals

- Now setuptools declares its own dependencies in the ``core`` extra. Dependencies are still vendored for bootstrapping purposes, but setuptools will prefer installed dependencies if present. The ``core`` extra is used for informational purposes and should *not* be declared in package metadata (e.g. ``build-requires``). Downstream packagers can de-vendor by simply removing the ``setuptools/_vendor`` directory. Since Setuptools now prefers installed dependencies, those installing to an environment with old, incompatible dependencies will not work. In that case, either uninstall the incompatible dependencies or upgrade them to satisfy those declared in ``core``. (2825)




- Support for loading distutils from the standard library is now deprecated, including use of SETUPTOOLS_USE_DISTUTILS=stdlib and importing distutils before importing setuptools. (4137)


- Bugfix for building Cython extension on Windows (pypa/distutils268).




- Updated distutils including significant changes to support Cygwin and mingw compilers. (4444)


- Fix distribution name normalisation (:pep:`625`) for valid versions that are
not canonical (e.g. ``1.0-2``). (4434)




- 4429




- Adopted the ``bdist_wheel`` command from the ``wheel`` project -- by :user:`agronholm` (1386)
- Improve error message when ``pkg_resources.ZipProvider`` tries to extract resources with a missing Egg -- by :user:`Avasam`

Added variables and parameter type annotations to ``pkg_resources`` to be nearly on par with typeshed.\* -- by :user:`Avasam`
\* Excluding ``TypeVar`` and ``overload``. Return types are currently inferred. (4246)
- Migrated Setuptools' own config to pyproject.toml (4310)


- Prevent a ``TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable`` when ``shutil_rmtree`` is called without an ``onexc`` parameter on Python<=3.11 -- by :user:`Avasam` (4382)
- Replace use of mktemp with can_symlink from the stdlib test suite. (4403)
- Improvement for ``attr:`` directives in configuration to handle
more edge cases related to complex ``package_dir``. (4405)
- Fix accidental implicit string concatenation. (4411)


- 4365, 4422




- Emit a warning when ``[tools.setuptools]`` is present in ``pyproject.toml`` and will be ignored. -- by :user:`SnoopJ` (4150)
- Improved `AttributeError` error message if ``pkg_resources.EntryPoint.require`` is called without extras or distribution
Gracefully "do nothing" when trying to activate a ``pkg_resources.Distribution`` with a `None` location, rather than raising a `TypeError`
-- by :user:`Avasam` (4262)
- Typed the dynamically defined variables from `pkg_resources` -- by :user:`Avasam` (4267)
- Modernized and refactored VCS handling in package_index. (4332)


- In install command, use super to call the superclass methods. Avoids race conditions when monkeypatching from _distutils_system_mod occurs late. (4136)
- Fix finder template for lenient editable installs of implicit nested namespaces
constructed by using ``package_dir`` to reorganise directory structure. (4278)
- Fix an error with `UnicodeDecodeError` handling in ``pkg_resources`` when trying to read files in UTF-8 with a fallback -- by :user:`Avasam` (4348)

Improved Documentation

- Uses RST substitution to put badges in 1 line. (4312)

Deprecations and Removals

- Further adoption of UTF-8 in ``setuptools``.
This change regards mostly files produced and consumed during the build process
(e.g. metadata files, script wrappers, automatically updated config files, etc..)
Although precautions were taken to minimize disruptions, some edge cases might
be subject to backwards incompatibility.

Support for ``"locale"`` encoding is now **deprecated**. (4309)
- Remove ``setuptools.convert_path`` after long deprecation period.
This function was never defined by ``setuptools`` itself, but rather a
side-effect of an import for internal usage. (4322)
- Remove fallback for customisations of ``distutils``' ``build.sub_command`` after long
deprecated period.
Users are advised to import ``build`` directly from ``setuptools.command.build``. (4322)
- Removed ``typing_extensions`` from vendored dependencies -- by :user:`Avasam` (4324)
- Remove deprecated ``setuptools.dep_util``.
The provided alternative is ``setuptools.modified``. (4360)


- 4255, 4280, 4282, 4308, 4348



No significant changes.




- Refresh unpinned vendored dependencies. (4253)
- Updated vendored packaging to version 24.0. (4301)




- Merged bugfix for pypa/distutils246.



No significant changes.




- Merged with pypa/distutils55982565e, including interoperability improvements for rfc822_escape (pypa/distutils213), dynamic resolution of config_h_filename for Python 3.13 compatibility (pypa/distutils219), added support for the z/OS compiler (pypa/distutils216), modernized compiler options in unixcompiler (pypa/distutils214), fixed accumulating flags bug after compile/link (pypa/distutils207), fixed enconding warnings (pypa/distutils236), and general quality improvements (pypa/distutils234). (4298)




- Remove attempt to canonicalize the version. It's already canonical enough. (4302)

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