Rüdiger Busche

Results 75 comments of Rüdiger Busche

tqdm integration seems useful. thanks for reporting! colored output should at least be ignored and not show up in the current format.

@fepegar isn't the output after applying `SETTINGS.CAPTURE_MODE = 'sys'` expected as you get the final state of each progress bar? To only capture what is logged you could pass a...

Thanks for reporting this issue! I believe that this would be worth a fix, but I also see that it might require extending the Observer interface. Right now finding the...

I was actually unaware of these priority semantics. Sorry for the misinformation.

Thanks for your response! > Overwriting the info dict is intended behavior I understand that `overwrite` should lead to everything being overwritten, but why does the `info dict` end up...

> Hmm, strange. For me it works as expected. Does your experiment maybe write differently to info when loading from a checkpoint? This is code that implements the overwrite logic...

Hi, no worries. It's free and open source software after all :) We will try our best to make steps towards the feature.

Though not staff but rather community, you are probably looking for something like this https://github.com/IDSIA/sacred/issues/391#issuecomment-463554589. Basically, just iterate over your parameters and call `ex.run` for each configuration.

> The documentation for custom information suggests large data separately, and using add_artifact to save it to the DB. > I do not need two copies of the file. Thats...