> It will no longer work because he use reflection ? Indeed. Though in my testing it only went wrong for transitive dependencies, so I think it is possible to...
I thought I'd just share this here since it's related to loading libraries at runtime: https://hub.spigotmc.org/jira/browse/SPIGOT-6419?focusedCommentId=38865&page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels%3Acomment-tabpanel#comment-38865 md_5 says he's working on Bukkit being able to load plugins from Maven Central....
> > That could be a part of the API that you can reuse to inject depenency as a library for scala plugin and not a plugin bukkit load. Yes...
> > > Even if the dependency download feature will only be available in a future version (maybe 1.17, who knows). > Would you like to use this as inspiration...
Although it's not the fully-fledged solution I sketched earler, it's now possible to define dependencies in the plugin.yml because I want to keep feature parity with bukkit's JavaPluginLoader. Some differences...
> > I guess that since the library loader is really new, it will not be available for previous versions of Minecraft. That is correct, however for ScalaPlugins it will...
The code is actually quite modular so you can do this, allthough I do need to clean up the internals at some point: I don't think the methods used in...
Alright. I'll close this issue when the api is stable and documented.
I've refactored the InvseeAPI class today, there are now alternative methods to spectate inventories: `mainSpectatorInventory` and `enderSpectatorInventory`. These return `CompletableFuture` and `CompletableFuture` instead of futures of optionals. `SpectateResponse` is preferred...
Since there are no lifecyle events yet in Paper, this is not testable yet.