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Part of the functions belonging to Eclipse PDE are reimplemented in IDEA

Eclipse PDE Partial IDEA Plugin

Apache License Version View at JetBrains

PLEASE NOTE: The plugin is currently planning to refactor the v2.0 version, and the v1.x version will only be updated with major bugs for the time being, and the new features will be temporarily put into the new version and planned to be implemented.


The plugin is available in the JetBrains Plugin Repository, so you can download it directly from your IDE.

Issues or questions?

Please report any issues


Eclipse Target Application

Support coding with eclipse framework by using Java or Kotlin, or any other language supported by JVM.

Dependency Detect

Import or using class, methods will inspection with required-bundle and import-package

Launch Plugins

Support launch application and debug, hot swap class and break code

On Local Machine

Launch application by local eclipse launcher, auto generate runtime file and bundle lists

On Remote machine

By using Wishes-Launcher, allow using RMI to connect remote machine and debug by JDWP

plugin.xml resolve

Tag hint, attribute auto-completion, extension-point valid

Running from source

Clone the project and open it in IntelliJ IDEA, Selection the Gradle task intellij > runIde to start a sandbox instance of IntelliJ IDEA with the plugin installed


Feature PDE Partial Osmorc
Framework support equinox Only equinox, felix, concierge, knopflerfish
Project import support x by bnd
Bundle source eclipse target bundle directory
Manifest lint partial support partial support
Manifest auto gen x by bnd
Manifest manually edit support with hint, reference navigate support
Code inspection support support
Package accessibility java, kotlin, import package, required bundle, re-export required bundle java, import package only
Quick fix import package, required bundle, required bundle with version import package
Bundle startup manager startup level only startup level, auto startup
BND x by bnd
Maven x by bnd
Library auto create x
Facet for binary package for manifest file edit mode
Artifact auto create for package x
OSGI launche x support
OSGI console x support
Launche RCP local run/debug, remote debug x



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