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Rofi menu for bringing windows to current tag
Hi Jan,
thanks for your youtube video on hlwm and your dotfiles! At the end, you mention that you'd be interested in a menu that brings a window from an invisible tag to your focused tag. Does this rofi-command do what you're looking for?
rofi -display-window 'Bring to current tag' \
-window-command 'herbstclient bring {window}' \
-kb-accept-entry '' -kb-accept-alt Control+j,Control+m,Return,KP_Enter \
-window-thumbnail -show window
It opens rofi's window selection menu, and with the default selection key (Enter, ...) the alternate window command is executed. In this case, this command brings the selected window to your current tag and focuses it.
The only downside is that the menu does not work when selecting an entry via Tab or via the mouse, because these actions still trigger the 'normal' window selection command, which simply focuses the selected window.