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Looking for a maintainer

Open localheinz opened this issue 2 years ago • 1 comments

I do not use phpstan/phpstan and I do not use phpspec/prophecy.

Perhaps someone else has interest in maintaining this repository?

/cc @Jan0707

localheinz avatar Mar 03 '22 11:03 localheinz

I do not use phpstan/phpstan

OFF: What makes you use Psalm instead of PHPStan? I'm curious.

szepeviktor avatar Jul 08 '22 09:07 szepeviktor

Maybe a lot of the stubs could be added to prophecy itself?

ciaranmcnulty avatar Nov 28 '22 12:11 ciaranmcnulty

As the maintainance looks not a lot todo I could take it over. I mostly use the plugin on most projects and so if there are any issues to fix I would stumble over directly. And as using it also in other Open Source Software which I require to be keep compatible with newer PHP versions I also can tackle that part for this project. What I'm not planning to add new features to implement but for maintainance I could take it, if nothing speaks against it.

alexander-schranz avatar Sep 16 '23 12:09 alexander-schranz

Sounds good, @alexander-schranz!

Now we only need @Jan0707 to invite you here!

localheinz avatar Sep 16 '23 12:09 localheinz


Jan0707 avatar Mar 04 '24 08:03 Jan0707

@alexander-schranz Are you still interested in the maintaining the project? Let me know if any help is needed as we are actively using the plugin as well.

jseparovic1 avatar Mar 05 '24 14:03 jseparovic1

@jseparovic1 I will have at the open PR soonish. If you want please have a look at @localheinz PR I'm not 100% sure there what is broken and how we may can avoid it in a none breaking way.

alexander-schranz avatar Mar 05 '24 15:03 alexander-schranz