Jamie Lee
Jamie Lee
```ts type MyETable = { a: 'A' b: 'B' c: 'C' d: 'D' e: 'E' f: 'F' g: 'G' h: 'H' i: 'I' j: 'J' k: 'K' l: 'L' m:...
```ts type MyTrimLeft = T extends `${Blank}${infer R}` ? MyTrimLeft : T type MyTrimRight = T extends `${infer R}${Blank}` ? MyTrimRight : T type Trim = S extends `${Blank}${infer R}`...
Addition to Pop, also write 'Shift', 'Push', 'UnShift' type. ```ts type Pop = T extends [ ...infer Rest, infer Last, ] ? [...Rest] : [] type MyPush = T extends...
Hi MetaGPT Team, I've created a TypeScript version of MetaGPT, which currently includes implementations for Role, Action, and Environment. At present, this version only uses the OpenAI SDK, whereas the...
Did anyone use Docker to package application related with FlagEmbedding function? I encounter timeout error while downloading embedding model in docker container init process.