SwiftDataStorage copied to clipboard
Library for abstracting SwiftData logic
This library offers a lightweight property wrapper that can be used for abstracting SwiftData logic.
Table of Contents
- Requirements
- Installation
- Setup
- Usage
- Examples
- Author
Platform | Minimum Version |
iOS | 17.0 |
macOS | 14.0 |
tvOS | 17.0 |
watchOS | 10.0 |
Swift Package Manager
Swift Package Manager is a tool for managing the distribution of Swift code. It integrates with the Swift build system to automate the process of downloading, compiling, and linking dependencies.
To integrate SwiftDataStorage
into your Xcode project using Xcode 15 or later, follow these steps:
- Open your project in Xcode.
- Select
>Swift Packages
>Add Package Dependency...
- Enter the package repository URL:
- Choose the version rule that makes sense for your project.
- Select
Add Package
If you are developing a Swift package or have a project that already uses Package.swift
, you can add SwiftDataStorage
as a dependency:
// swift-tools-version:5.10
import PackageDescription
let package = Package(
name: "SwiftDataStorage",
dependencies: [
.package(url: "https://github.com/JamesSedlacek/SwiftDataStorage.git", branch: "main")
targets: [
name: "YourTargetName",
dependencies: ["SwiftDataStorage"])
- Create any
for your project.
final class MockModel: Identifiable {
@Attribute(.unique) public let id: UUID
public var testProperty: String
init(id: UUID = .init(), _ testProperty: String) {
self.id = id
self.testProperty = testProperty
- Set up your
with all of your models.
extension ModelContainer {
static let prod: ModelContainer = {
do {
return try ModelContainer(for: MockModel.self)
} catch {
fatalError("Failed to initialize ModelContainer.")
- Inject the
into the environment via the.modelContainer
struct ExampleApp: App {
var body: some Scene {
WindowGroup {
Inject the modelContext
from the environment
into the ViewModel via .fetch(context:)
struct ContentView: View {
@Environment(\.modelContext) private var context
@State private var viewModel: ContentViewModel = .init()
var body: some View {
VStack {
// Add more code here
.onAppear {
viewModel.fetch(context: context)
Use the @SwiftDataStorage
property wrapper to manage your PersistentModel
Note - @ObservationIgnored
is required to use Property Wrappers when using @Observable
final class ContentViewModel {
@SwiftDataStorage var models: [MockModel]
init() {}
func fetch(context: ModelContext) {
do {
try _models.fetch(context: context)
} catch {
// TODO: Handle fetch failure
Public Functions
/// Fetches objects from the persistent storage based on the specified criteria and updates the internally managed collection.
/// - Parameter context: The context within which the fetch operation should be performed.
/// - Parameter descriptor: The criteria used to fetch objects. Defaults to an empty descriptor indicating no specific filtering.
/// - Throws: An error if the fetch operation fails, allowing calling code to handle fetch-related issues appropriately.
public func fetch(
context: ModelContext,
descriptor: FetchDescriptor<T> = .init()
) throws
/// Appends a single object to the persistent storage and the managed collection, if it's not already present.
/// - Parameter object: The object to be appended.
/// Ensures that the operation is performed within the appropriate context and logs a warning if the context is not set.
public func append(_ object: T)
/// Appends multiple objects to the persistent storage and the managed collection, excluding duplicates.
/// - Parameter objectsToAppend: The collection of objects to be appended.
public func append(_ objectsToAppend: [T])
/// Removes a specified object from both the persistent storage and the managed collection.
/// - Parameter object: The object to be removed.
/// Verifies the operation's context and logs a warning if the context is not set.
public func remove(_ object: T)
/// Removes multiple objects from both the persistent storage and the managed collection.
/// - Parameter objectsToRemove: The collection of objects to be removed.
public func remove(_ objectsToRemove: [T])
/// Removes all objects that meet the criteria specified by a predicate from both the persistent storage and the managed collection.
/// - Parameters:
/// - predicate: An optional predicate to filter objects for removal. If nil, all objects in the collection are removed.
/// - includeSubclasses: Indicates whether to include subclasses of `T` in the removal operation. Defaults to true.
/// - Throws: An error if the removal operation fails, allowing for error handling by the caller.
public func removeAll(
where predicate: Predicate<T>? = nil,
includeSubclasses: Bool = true
) throws
/// Updates the managed collection of objects to synchronize with the provided collection,
/// ensuring consistency between the persistent storage and the internal state.
/// - Parameter objects: The new collection of objects to be synchronized.
private func update(to objects: [T])
Example of adding, deleting, and showing model data in a List
struct ContentView: View {
@Environment(\.modelContext) private var context
@State private var viewModel: ContentViewModel = .init()
var body: some View {
VStack {
Button("Add Random Model") {
List(viewModel.models) { model in
.swipeActions {
Button("Delete", role: .destructive) {
.onAppear {
viewModel.fetch(context: context)
final class ContentViewModel {
@SwiftDataStorage var models: [MockModel]
init() {}
func fetch(context: ModelContext) {
try? _models.fetch(context: context)
func addRandom() {
func delete(_ model: MockModel) {