James Park
James Park
Thanks David! I'll have a look into this for you asap.
If you're registering blocks/etc via PHP, then this should automatically apply itself to those fields, as it just overlays itself onto the existing field structure. Are you having issue with...
Must be to do with the updated ways to delete in later ACF updates, will have to look into further!
Hey there, did you activate it when setting up your repeater? > Once you have installed and activated, you will find a new radio field when setting up your repeater...
Very weird, will have to look into it further as I can't currently replicate the issue! What's your WP version and ACF version?
@stephanedemotte @dabasti @robhuska @investreads If you're using the Gutenberg editor, that may be why then. It should work if used with Classic editor, as I haven't had much free time...
It hasn't been tested with Gutenberg yet sadly, I'm still working on the Classic Editor at the moment until I have the spare time to look into it further.