youtube-audio-stream icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
youtube-audio-stream copied to clipboard

youtube audio stream


js-standard-style ci

This module streams youtube using ytdl to get the youtube download stream.

To convert to audio the module fluent-ffmpeg is used.

You will need to have ffmpeg and the necessary encoding libraries installed, as well as in your PATH.

If you're on OSX, this can be handled easily using Homebrew with brew install ffmpeg.

Getting Started

  1. With npm, run npm install youtube-audio-stream
  2. const stream = require('youtube-audio-stream')


Here is an example that:

  1. queries for a video by video ID
  2. Retrieves the audio via this package
  3. write it to res
const stream = require('youtube-audio-stream')
async function handleView (req, res) {
  try {
    for await (const chunk of stream(`${req.params.videoId}`)) {
  } catch (err) {
    if (!res.headersSent) {
      res.end('internal system error')

Node example playing directly to speaker

const stream = require('youtube-audio-stream')
const url = ''
const decoder = require('lame').Decoder
const speaker = require('speaker')



This package comes with a simple example for testing. This can be run with the command npm test, which will then serve the example at localhost:3000. The example consists of an <audio> component whose source is retrieved via this package.

Testing inside a docker container

You can test this module without the need o have ffmeg locally installed doing it inside a container.

To build the Docker image:

docker build . -t youtube-audio-stream-test

To run the test:

docker run --rm -it -p 3000:3000 youtube-audio-stream-test