James Bream
James Bream
Hold the "shift" key while you click on "Stats" to view the old graphs. The add-on will need updating to support the new graphs that were recently introduced to Anki.
There's an internal error with the simulator on first run, it rather amusingly suggests opening a bug report with Apple. Solved it by switching to running on a real device...
@knd775 I take it you're running Cocoapods 1.0beta? If so can you try installing the stable 0.39 release?
@Raoufbaa That install issue seems to be an issue with next-auth requiring Nextjs 13 or lower, not this package. Try updating your next-auth package to the newest version.
I think this is what you're looking for? https://github.com/pacocoursey/next-themes#force-page-to-a-theme
@Qrivi The demo site is using 2.0.0-alpha.2 version which is probably why you're seeing different behaviour between it and your own project. The short of it is that the major...