aura-mastery copied to clipboard
Small improvement to engineer CodeCopy
I used the Cooldown Engineer [Bot Ability] Barrage Engineer Code you provided, but I wanted it to only show up when I had out the Artillerybot. Here's the export from the modified aura:
{['playSoundWhen'] = "All",['iconScale'] = 1.4500000476837,['iconEnabled'] = true,['iconSprite'] = "",['iconSound'] = 222,['iconPosition'] = {['left'] = 70,['top'] = -121,},['SimpleMode'] = false,['onlyInCombat'] = true,['iconName'] = "[Bot Ability] Barrage",['showWhen'] = "All",['iconText'] = {[1] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_FloaterSmall",['textAnchor'] = "ITL",['textString'] = "{charges}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},[2] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_FloaterSmall",['textAnchor'] = "IBR",['textString'] = "{stacks}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},[3] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_FloaterSmall",['textAnchor'] = "OB",['textString'] = "{time}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},},['iconBackground'] = true,['Triggers'] = {[1] = {['Type'] = "Scriptable",['Name'] = "Artillerybot Present",['TriggerDetails'] = {['Script'] = "foundBot = false\r\
for _,pet in pairs(GameLib.GetPlayerPets()) do\r\
foundBot = foundBot or pet.GetName(pet) == \"Artillerybot\"\r\
return foundBot",},['TriggerEffects'] = {},['Behaviour'] = "Pass",},[2] = {['Type'] = "Cooldown",['Name'] = "Cooldown:[Bot Ability] Barrage",['TriggerDetails'] = {['SpellName'] = "[Bot Ability] Barrage",['Charges'] = {['Value'] = 0,['Enabled'] = false,['Operator'] = "==",},},['TriggerEffects'] = {[1] = {['timerLength'] = 0,['Type'] = "Activation Border",['EffectDetails'] = {['BorderSprite'] = "sprAS_Prompt_Resource",},['When'] = "Pass",['isTimed'] = false,},},['Behaviour'] = "Ignore",},},['iconOverlay'] = {['overlayColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 0,[3] = 0,[4] = 0.75,},['overlayStyle'] = "Linear",['overlayShape'] = "Solid",},['iconColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},['actionSets'] = {[1] = true,[2] = true,[3] = true,[4] = true,},['iconBorder'] = true,}
I also created one for the Bruiserbot:
{['playSoundWhen'] = "All",['iconScale'] = 1.4500000476837,['iconEnabled'] = true,['iconSprite'] = "",['iconSound'] = 222,['iconPosition'] = {['left'] = 70,['top'] = -121,},['SimpleMode'] = false,['onlyInCombat'] = true,['iconName'] = "[Bot Ability] Blitz",['showWhen'] = "All",['iconText'] = {[1] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_FloaterSmall",['textAnchor'] = "ITL",['textString'] = "{charges}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},[2] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_FloaterSmall",['textAnchor'] = "IBR",['textString'] = "{stacks}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},[3] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_FloaterSmall",['textAnchor'] = "OB",['textString'] = "{time}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},},['iconBackground'] = true,['Triggers'] = {[1] = {['Type'] = "Scriptable",['Name'] = "Bruiserbot Present",['TriggerDetails'] = {['Script'] = "foundBot = false\r\
for _,pet in pairs(GameLib.GetPlayerPets()) do\r\
foundBot = foundBot or pet.GetName(pet) == \"Bruiserbot\"\r\
return foundBot",},['TriggerEffects'] = {},['Behaviour'] = "Pass",},[2] = {['Type'] = "Cooldown",['Name'] = "Cooldown:[Bot Ability] Blitz",['TriggerDetails'] = {['Charges'] = {['Enabled'] = false,['Value'] = 0,['Operator'] = "==",},['SpellName'] = "[Bot Ability] Blitz",},['TriggerEffects'] = {[1] = {['timerLength'] = 0,['Type'] = "Activation Border",['EffectDetails'] = {['BorderSprite'] = "sprAS_Prompt_Resource",},['When'] = "Pass",['isTimed'] = false,},},['Behaviour'] = "Ignore",},},['iconOverlay'] = {['overlayColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 0,[3] = 0,[4] = 0.75,},['overlayStyle'] = "Linear",['overlayShape'] = "Solid",},['iconColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},['actionSets'] = {[1] = true,[2] = true,[3] = true,[4] = true,},['iconBorder'] = true,}
I'm only at level 8 so far so I'll keep creating them and posting them wherever you'd like (if you'd like), so let me know in a comment.