Jim Thorson
Jim Thorson
Thanks for reaching out! My suspicion as you say is that these two runs are doing a different job "behind the scenes" in interpolating the covariates provided by `covariate_data`. You...
Thanks for the feedback @kellijohnson-NOAA. I appreciate feedback like this to for medium and long-term guidance about priorities. To clarify a few things about my intent: 1. The Wiki examples...
I'm not following, do you have a simple example of this problem? There are many instances on the wiki of using c_i is a vector, so presumably your problem is...
The two kmeans files should have different names ... which is put in the higher-level dir? And can you make a reproducible example, and/or share the script that results in...
Because you have `make_spatial_info(..., Save_Results=TRUE)`, its possible that you have a Kmeans=X.RData saved in your working directory from an old run and its loading that and then confused about it....
I don't have any other ideas without looking at a minimal example.
Thanks for posting the issue here where I can track it easily. Can you make a minimal example (https://github.com/nwfsc-assess/geostatistical_delta-GLMM/wiki/How-to-create-a-minimal-example) and email it to me?
I can't sort out what's happening from that level of detail. But FishStatsUtils is certainly a package, please see: https://github.com/James-Thorson/FishStatsUtils. Note that in my limited experience, GitHub auto-directs that link...
What OS and version of R are you using? And what version of devtools? On Sunday, July 28, 2019, Vladimir wrote: > Hello Jim! Probably the same issue with FishStatsUtils:...
please try `settings$Options["treat_nonencounter_as_zero"] = FALSE`, or the same modifications to the `Options` object passed to `fit_model(.)` and subsequently to `make_data(.)`