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Making plots of spatial predictions
Hi I am using plot_results() to create plots and have an error when plotting plot_num=10
plot_results( fit, settings = fit$settings, plot_set = 10, working_dir = paste0(getwd(), "/"), year_labels = fit$year_labels, years_to_plot = fit$years_to_plot, use_biascorr = FALSE,
#category_names, check_residuals = TRUE, projargs = "+proj=longlat",
n_samples = 100, calculate_relative_to_average = FALSE, type = 1, n_cells = NULL,
RotationMethod = "PCA",
quantiles = c(0.05, 0.5, 0.95)
Making plots of spatial predictions
plot_num 10: Plotting density maps
Error in (function (plot_set = 3, Obj = NULL, PlotDF, Sdreport = NULL, :
not implemented for requested plot_num
Is there a new function for plotting?