Use https://github.com/vlang/v-analyzer instead. There are instructions in the readme there for vscode. vls is outdated, and replaced by v-analyzer.
Use https://github.com/v-analyzer/v-analyzer instead.
Probably not - haven't even thought about it in 4 years. Don't have a way to test it right now, either.
Sad. I get the same thing, now. The tar file can be downloaded from https://mujs.com/downloads/
Then c2v can't work. It requires clang as a dependency, and llvm is a dependency of clang. It is simple to get everything you need from https://winlibs.com
There are 2 bugs here. 1) V no longer supports inline comments, so c2v should stop generating them. 2) c2v didn't keep track of the rename from `sexpr_type` to `Sexpr_type`,...
See https://github.com/vlang/c2v?tab=readme-ov-file#configuration
Actually, NULL is (almost?) always a macro, not part of the language.
I don't know if this is Windows specific, the version of clang you have, or what, but it works correctly here, on Linux, using `V 0.3.3 2179db3` and `clang version...
Everyone using V on Windows has had much better luck with the gcc/clang package from https://winlibs.com - it is a much more up-to-date package than the one from mingw, usually.