UnityProceduralPlanets copied to clipboard
Shader issues running in Unity 2021
Hi, I just cloned the repo and tried to run the game, I am getting thousands of shader errors (see Issue 6 which highlights that already) and also this additional type of error:
ArgumentException: AsyncGPUReadback cannot use Temp memory as input since the result may only become available at an unspecified point in the future.
UnityEngine.Rendering.AsyncRequestNativeArrayData.CreateAndCheckAccess[T] (Unity.Collections.NativeArray`1[T] array) (at <f1212ad1dec44ce7b7147976b91869c3>:0)
UnityEngine.Rendering.AsyncGPUReadback.RequestIntoNativeArray[T] (Unity.Collections.NativeArray`1[T]& output, UnityEngine.ComputeBuffer src, System.Action`1[T] callback) (at <f1212ad1dec44ce7b7147976b91869c3>:0)
ChunkData.RequestMeshData () (at Assets/ProceduralPlanets/ChunkData.cs:628)
ChunkData+<StartGenerateCoroutine>d__56.MoveNext () (at Assets/ProceduralPlanets/ChunkData.cs:339)
Planet.GenerateChunks (System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch frameStart, System.TimeSpan timeBudget) (at Assets/ProceduralPlanets/Planet.cs:338)
Planet.LateUpdate () (at Assets/ProceduralPlanets/Planet.cs:286)
Do you have any plans on fixing the project and make it work in latest Unity versions?
Any update on this matter?
the specific AsyncGPUReadback problem is a unity bug ; use build v 2020.3.26f1 or later