Jakub Linhart
Jakub Linhart
It is possible to use standard .NET timers, but they are not disposed when user reloads scrips and keep running potentially forever.
The goal ContainerOpenedEvent is to be raised when a script opens container and client receives it's content. It doesn't work now without any waiting time. Maybe it is not possible...
Maybe separate current `,recallhome` to a file specific for crafts.
- turning on/off special ability (darkpower, etc...) - turning off standcast - healing (optional) - drinking cure/heal (optional)
If a script calls WaitTargetObject, but server doesn't request a target for some reason, then WaitTargetObject sends the target to server even when user does a targeted action. Example (UOErebor)...
Use something like this: https://github.com/ravibpatel/AutoUpdater.NET - backup previous version - show changelog for the new version
Undocumented commands should be displayed on one line so documented commands are more visible and undocumented commands doesn't take so much vertical space in console.