maskcat icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
maskcat copied to clipboard

Maskcat is a program for creating and working with password masks for password cracking.

Maskcat is a multi-tool for working with text streams for password cracking.

Maskcat (cat mask) focuses on the usage of masks to extract and transform text and features several functions:

  • Making hashcat masks from stdin
  • Matching words from stdin to masks
  • Substituting tokens into stdin using masks
  • Mutating stdin with masks for new candidates
  • Generating tokens from stdin by extracting input
  • Creating partial masks from stdin by selecting character sets
  • Removing characters from stdin by selecting character sets
  • Creating retain masks from stdin by selecting tokens to retain
  • Mutating stdin with retain masks for new candidates that retain tokens
  • Filtering stdin for masks that are below an entropy threshold

Maskcat also supports several options to assist in being a flexible and powerful tool:

  • Multibyte text support
  • Auto-dehexing text support
  • Configurable number of replacements
  • Additional fuzz configuration for replacements to create unique output

Maskcat fits into a small tool ecosystem for password cracking and is designed for lightweight and easy usage with its companion tools:

Getting Started

Usage information and other documentation can be found below:

Install from Go

go install
go install[email protected]

Install from Source

git clone && cd maskcat && go build ./main.go && mv ./main ~/go/bin/maskcat

Current Version 1.2.0:

Options for maskcat (version 1.2.0):

  -d    Process $HEX[...] text (warning: slows processes)
        Example: maskcat [MODE] -d
  -f int
        Adds extra fuzz to the replacement functions
        Example: maskcat [MODE] -f 1
  -m    Process multibyte text (warning: slows processes)
        Example: maskcat [MODE] -m
  -n int
        Max number of replacements to make per item (default: 1)
        Example: maskcat [MODE] -n 1 (default 1)
  -v    Show verbose information about masks
        Example: maskcat [MODE] -v

Modes for maskcat (version 1.2.0):

  mask          Creates masks from text
                Example: stdin | maskcat mask [OPTIONS]

  match         Matches text to masks
                Example: stdin | maskcat match [MASK-FILE] [OPTIONS]

  sub           Replaces text with text from a file with masks
                Example: stdin | maskcat sub [TOKENS-FILE] [OPTIONS]

  mutate        Mutates text by using chunking and token swapping
                Example: stdin | maskcat mutate [MIN-TOKEN-SIZE] [OPTIONS]

  tokens        Splits text into tokens and only print certain lengths (values over 99 allow all)
                Example: stdin | maskcat tokens [TOKEN-LEN] [OPTIONS]

  partial       Partially replaces characters with mask characters
                Example: stdin | maskcat partial [MASK-CHARS] [OPTIONS]

  remove        Removes characters that match given mask characters
                Example: stdin | maskcat remove [MASK-CHARS] [OPTIONS]

  retain        Creates retain masks by keeping text from a file
                Example: stdin | maskcat retain [TOKENS-FILE] [OPTIONS]

  splice        Mutates text by using retain masks and token swapping
                Example: stdin | maskcat splice [TOKENS-FILE] [OPTIONS]

  filter        Only prints masks below a maximum entropy threshold
                Example: stdin | maskcat filter [ENTROPY-MAX] [OPTIONS]