retrofit2-kotlinx-serialization-converter copied to clipboard
Response with null field which is not included in data class field caused polymorphic error
Using this example response
Sample data class
data class ActualJob(
val id: Int,
val id_uuid: String,
val title: String,
val description: String?,
val reference: String = "",
val orderNumber: String?,
val type : String,
val billed_client : String?,
val address: JobAddress?,
val job_status : JobStatus?,
val priority: Int = 1,
val clients : List<Client>,
val entity_permissions : EntityPermission
Using Retrofit2 service (Coroutine Flow) result as ResponseBody
suspend fun getJobs(): ResponseBody // working
// Assume all data classes are serialized already
val jsonString= repository.getJob().string() or from response
val jobs = AppJson.decodeFromString<ActualJob>(jsonString)
// This will works fine
Using Retrofit2 service (Coroutine Flow) result as Flow list of ActualJob
suspend fun getJobs(): Flow<List<ActualJob>> // With error
// sample implementation
.catch { e-> emit(e)}
.collectLatest { jobs-> emit(jobs) }
Sample working converter setup
val AppJson = Json {
ignoreUnknownKeys = true
encodeDefaults = true // to include default value in encoding
coerceInputValues = true
classDiscriminator = "#class" // to avoid type as default reserve discriminator
builder .client(loggingClient) .addConverterFactory(AppJson.asConverterFactory(ContentType)) .build()
Dependencies (Kotlin Version: 1.5.31)
implementation 'com.squareup.retrofit2:retrofit:2.9.0'
implementation 'com.jakewharton.retrofit:retrofit2-kotlinx-serialization-converter:0.8.0'
Error encountered
kotlinx.serialization.json.internal.JsonDecodingException: Expected class kotlinx.serialization.json.JsonObject (Kotlin reflection is not available) as the serialized body of kotlinx.serialization.Polymorphic<Flow>, but had class kotlinx.serialization.json.JsonArray (Kotlin reflection is not available)
at kotlinx.serialization.json.internal.JsonExceptionsKt.JsonDecodingException(JsonExceptions.kt:24)
at kotlinx.serialization.json.internal.PolymorphicKt.decodeSerializableValuePolymorphic(Polymorphic.kt:91)
at kotlinx.serialization.json.internal.StreamingJsonDecoder.decodeSerializableValue(StreamingJsonDecoder.kt:36)
at kotlinx.serialization.json.Json.decodeFromString(Json.kt:100)
at com.jakewharton.retrofit2.converter.kotlinx.serialization.Serializer$FromString.fromResponseBody(Serializer.kt:30)
at com.jakewharton.retrofit2.converter.kotlinx.serialization.DeserializationStrategyConverter.convert(DeserializationStrategyConverter.kt:11)
at com.jakewharton.retrofit2.converter.kotlinx.serialization.DeserializationStrategyConverter.convert(DeserializationStrategyConverter.kt:7)
at retrofit2.OkHttpCall.parseResponse(
at retrofit2.OkHttpCall$1.onResponse(
at okhttp3.RealCall$
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
Debug investigation
I believe decoding from string with loader causes the issue, i tried evaluating it with decodeFromString(string)
it is working find, but decodeFromString(loader, string)
the error was thrown.
@OptIn(ExperimentalSerializationApi::class) // Experimental is only for subtypes.
class FromString(override val format: StringFormat) : Serializer() {
override fun <T> fromResponseBody(loader: DeserializationStrategy<T>, body: ResponseBody): T {
val string = body.string()
return format.decodeFromString(loader, string)
override fun <T> toRequestBody(contentType: MediaType, saver: SerializationStrategy<T>, value: T): RequestBody {
val string = format.encodeToString(saver, value)
return RequestBody.create(contentType, string)
Possible solution
I am thinking to use this sample answer
Not sure what this is but if I had to guess it's some behavior of kotlinx.serialization or your chosen serialization format and not specifically this library. Please provide a failing test case or reproducing sample that I can use to diagnose the problem.
Not sure what this is but if I had to guess it's some behavior of kotlinx.serialization or your chosen serialization format and not specifically this library. Please provide a failing test case or reproducing sample that I can use to diagnose the problem.
Hi, I believe this is a serializer issue, but when I try manual decoding and encoding the data class, from a response string. It is working fine. I have provided the investigation details above.
When I use "minifyEnabled true" that error message is thrown...
kotlinx.serialization.json.internal.JsonDecodingException: Polymorphic serializer was not found for missing class discriminator ('null') JSON input: {"success":true,"message":"Otp sent successfully","data":{"countryCode":"880","mobileNo":" 99999999","type":"New","testOtp":63401}}