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Generated _ViewBinding id and BindView implmentation desync
When I navigate to a certain screen at runtime, there is a crash because of an incorrect binding.
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Required view 'et_inspection_section_header_total' with ID 2131624440 for field 'address1' was not found. If this view is optional add '@Nullable' (fields) or '@Optional' (methods) annotation.
My library project contains both XML layouts and @BindView(R2...)
implementations, and uses:
classpath 'com.jakewharton:butterknife-gradle-plugin:8.5.1'
and both butterknife libraries.
My main project references the XML layouts of the library, and has the erroneous @BindView
code generations using:
The desync is that the implementation of @BindView(R.id.txt_cust_view_address1)
in class Abc
is generating the code in class Abc_ViewBinding
target.address1 = Utils.findRequiredViewAsType(source, R.id.et_inspection_section_header_total, "field 'address1'", TextView.class);
where et_inspection_section_header_total
is the wrong id, not a field of class Abc
and is from an unrelated class which only exists in the library as a layout, not used/referenced within any part of the project in either module(however existing layouts/ids have been known to collide as well).
I found that the generated _ViewBinding
class will correctly bind to views that were in the top level of the layout, and the incorrect generations were from the
<include layout="@layout/partial_cust_view_detail"
Both layouts reside in the library project.
I also encountered the same problem
Same with me
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I have similar problem and I found some id values of R(main project) and R2(library project) are same.
// SettingsActivity.java (in main project)
TextView mNicknameView;
// SettingsActivity_ViewBinding.java
target.mNicknameView = Utils.findRequiredViewAsType(source, R.id.notification_icon, "field 'mNicknameView'", TextView.class);
// R.java (in main project)
public static final int nickname=0x7f1000e5;
// R2.java (in library project)
public static final int notification_icon = 0x7f1000e5;
Oh, I used 8.5.1 before and just found it fixed on 8.6.0 (https://github.com/JakeWharton/butterknife/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#version-860-2017-05-16)
It works well on 8.6.0. Thanks for resolving the issue :)
The same for me, even after update to 8.6.0
I've performed a clean build(even Invalidate Cache/Restart), but the generated class still has a wrong ID, that clashes with ID from the other module:
target.productDetailName = Utils.findRequiredViewAsType(source, example.core.R.id.subtotal_label, "field 'productDetailName'", TextView.class);
(this is for a class from the 'product' module, but it binds a view from the 'core' module)
Just wanted to note that I'm also seeing this on the latest 9.0.0-SNAPSHOT.
If you just add another binding to any class, it fixes itself. I have no idea what that means or if it'll help with debugging, but it's related to how many bindings there are or processing time or something.
So there's a workaround if this happens. Need to clean and then delete the build cache ($HOME/.gradle/caches
for me), causing a full rebuild. Then builds should read the right ID.
It's probably a build cache issue rather than BK, but I haven't tried disabling it entirely yet.
I also have this happening once in a while. For me it always happens on @OnClick
methods. I'm using version 8.8.1
It happens when you add new id to any your layout.xml file. Only clean and build helps right now. It's weird :(
This still happens in version 9.0.0-rc2
This still happens in version 10.0.0
Looks like gradle issue
Problem is only, when "Instant Run" is enabled