Jake Gillberg

Results 20 comments of Jake Gillberg

Well, I guess I'll jot some stuff down since I am assigned. As I understand it, there are currently two ways to identify a member: 1. The "Official" discord channel,...

Not sure that the pattern proposed by @dckc above is the right one: Copy paste from discord discussion with Dan: It doesn't seem to allow the coop to revoke membership.....

I don't know that we have officialized membership yet, but here are the names that Evan (the chair) has contacted: Chair - Evan Jensen Members - Kevin Valentine - Jacob...

Suggested voting protocol: - Chair does not vote - All votes, motion proposals, and seconds are recorded publicly - Motion must be proposed by member or chair - Motion must...

> At this point the entire development focus is on the core platform. This isn't entirely true, there is development work going on apart from the Pyrofex managed stuff: [https://github.com/rchain/bounties/issues?q=label%3ADevelopment](https://github.com/rchain/bounties/issues?q=label%3ADevelopment)...

noodles on top of the noodles: https://gist.github.com/Jake-Gillberg/61dbfabbe262f9d86a70d2159a735e9a Realized that you probably need to nest the makePlayer inside of the makeGameBoard contract. You can't just trust that someone will pass you...

+1 to this! > I think a shim or alternative version would work OR maybe include new columns with those names that are nothing more than duplicate values of the...

@LJNIC Did you find a way to register interceptors with the main interceptor service? I just ran into this with the MDM hooks being set up in JPA starter not...