Tyler Stegmaier
Tyler Stegmaier
> If I don't upgrade Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment and stay to the Version, the crash do not seems to happen. > I think we have our culprit. @rachelkang @jonathanantoine I'm still...
@rachelkang here's a repo: https://github.com/Jakar510/DebugXamarinAndroidX/tree/master
This should fix the issue: Inside of the SettingsView init, capture the context. [Android.Runtime.Preserve(AllMembers = true)] public static class SettingsViewInit { internal static Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android.FormsAppCompatActivity Current { get; set; } public...
> I found a workaround: we don't use Xamarin anymore.Forms for drawing lists, we have written our own renderers for each lists. @dimonovdd By change could you share the renderers?
> Facing the same issue here when using several CollectionViews. Is it possible to review the PR related to this ticket? As am I
I may have found a workaround by manually make the `AppIcons.appiconset` in the `/Platforms\iOS\Assets.xcassets` folder. Also had to do [this](https://stackoverflow.com/a/78304642/9530917) afterwords.
With the workaround above, i get: `C:\Program Files\dotnet\packs\Microsoft.iOS.Sdk\17.2.8053\tools\msbuild\iOS\Xamarin.Shared.targets(885,3): warning : The app icon set "AppIcons" has 18 unassigned children.`
I updated to Visual Studio v17.10.0 Preview 7 and I get the following error: `Verification of iOS environment is running. Please try again in a moment.` I tried restarting the...