
Results 734 comments of Jaifroid

@juuz0 I tried those steps, and got a long way, but it fell over again on `sudo npm i -g mwoffliner --unsafe-perm`. Screenshot showing commands from `git clone` onwards. This...

So I suppose ssh access is somehow not configured, even though git can clone the repo fine.

I've managed to get past the ssh error by setting up keypair and adding to GitHub (warning to anyone following this, do not use a passphrase with the key because...

OK, thanks. The only solution I could see there was not to run this as sudo. If I don't run as sudo, then that particular error goes away, but then...

I need to check, I'm currently on a different machine. Will get back to you.

No, I'm still getting the same "could not create leading directories" error. And I realized that I was *already* using `--unsafe-perm`. @gaurav7019 are you saying that you *can* install with...

So you never saw the permission errors above about not being able to create directories? I don't think it's a resources error, it's clearly a permissions error., probably a conflict...

@kelson42 Does Wiktionary actually have lots of video files? My impression is that video is very rare, if used at all. So in that case, you could just try an...

The problem is that the mobile style assumes a narrow, mobile-format screen, and is not well suited for desktop. Ideally what is needed is the ability to apply a desktop...

We should un-stale this. These are the errors that show in Kiwix JS for any Media Wiki ZIM (running in SW mode). Very similar to those reported by @tim-moody in...