Hi, thanks for the dataset, I have some problems with the pretraining task. 1. In line 6 of the file "/src/data/jsons/MVSA_info.json" ,` "ANP_clss_dir"`should be` "ANP_class_dir" `right? 2. In line 22...
你好,中文不好请见谅。 我想要在实验中将论文中提到的5个pre training model 分别关闭一次,然后测试得到的成绩 我在training.py中的第60行开始将pre training model 註解化,如下 `mlm_infos={ """2/22 disable MLM key: value.to(device) for key, value in batch['MLM'].items() """ } if 'MLM' in batch else None,` 可是结果并没有变化,请问是哪裡做错了?
I got the error message below when running sh 15_pretrain_full.sh. > OSError: Model name './E2E-MABSA' was not found in tokenizers model name list (facebook/bart-base, facebook/bart-large, facebook/bart-large-mnli, facebook/bart-large-cnn, facebook/bart-large-xsum, yjernite/bart_eli5). We...