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R 启动时自动加载包的正确姿势
今天看 Hadley Wickham 大大的《R for Data Science》的时候无意踩坑了,记录一下。
看到章节 4. Workflow: basics 的 4.4 节做练习的时候,本来这一章十分简单,5 分钟看完的,练习也简单,基本上就是拼写错误啥的。然后第二题:
Tweak each of the following R commands so that they run correctly:
library(tidyverse) ggplot(dota = mpg) + geom_point(mapping = aes(x = displ, y = hwy)) fliter(mpg, cyl = 8) filter(diamond, carat > 3
ggplot 里面 data
写成了 dota
,嗯好的,原来 Hadley 大大也是宅男。
改过来之后 OK 了。
应该是 ==
,口亨,so easy。
然后, 然后,还是报错:
R >>> filter(mpg, cyl == 8)
Error in stats::filter(mpg, cyl == 8) : object 'cyl' not found
In addition: Warning messages:
1: In data.matrix(data) : NAs introduced by coercion
2: In data.matrix(data) : NAs introduced by coercion
3: In data.matrix(data) : NAs introduced by coercion
4: In data.matrix(data) : NAs introduced by coercion
5: In data.matrix(data) : NAs introduced by coercion
6: In data.matrix(data) : NAs introduced by coercion
把眼睛凑近点看以为是不是哪个 l
其实是个 1
实在不行,我觉得可能是代码是复制粘贴的,有看不见的字符之类的问题,决定手打一遍,然后, 然后,然后:
R >>> filter(mpg, cyl == 8)
Error in stats::filter(mpg, cyl == 8) : object 'cyl' not found
In addition: Warning messages:
1: In data.matrix(data) : NAs introduced by coercion
2: In data.matrix(data) : NAs introduced by coercion
3: In data.matrix(data) : NAs introduced by coercion
4: In data.matrix(data) : NAs introduced by coercion
5: In data.matrix(data) : NAs introduced by coercion
6: In data.matrix(data) : NAs introduced by coercion
算了,可能环境乱了,我重新开一个 R 试试,然后, 然后,然后, 然后:
R >>> filter(mpg, cyl == 8)
Error in stats::filter(mpg, cyl == 8) : object 'cyl' not found
In addition: Warning messages:
1: In data.matrix(data) : NAs introduced by coercion
2: In data.matrix(data) : NAs introduced by coercion
3: In data.matrix(data) : NAs introduced by coercion
4: In data.matrix(data) : NAs introduced by coercion
5: In data.matrix(data) : NAs introduced by coercion
6: In data.matrix(data) : NAs introduced by coercion
。。。卒 。。。
只能 Google 了,结果还真有悲摧的人碰到这个问题你别说,Unable to run examples ,直接在 Hadley 的 GitHub repo 里提问了。大大不愧是大大,一语道破真相:
Are you loading
in your .Rprofile?
可不是嘛,我偷懒在 ~/.Rprofile
里加载了好几个常用的包。这个在我另一篇文里写了: R启动设置。 当时还只加载了 colorout
这个包。之后我加了几个,其中就包括 tidyverse
,然后 dplyr
作为光荣的 tidyverse
Hadley 下面解释了原因,并且再下面还有人直接提出了解决方案:
That's a bad idea for exactly this reason. It gets loaded before stats, so
A better way to handle this is to set the
option, and ensure the packages are set in the order you wish to load them. E.g. in your.Rprofile
you could have:.First <- function() { autoloads <- c("dplyr", "ggplot2", "Hmisc") options(defaultPackages = c(getOption("defaultPackages"), autoloads)) }
就是说因为 dplyr
加载太早,早于 stats
,所以最后 stats::filter
覆盖了 dplyr::filter
。也就是说上面报错是 stats::filter
R >>> stats::filter(mpg, cyl == 8)
Error in stats::filter(mpg, cyl == 8) : object 'cyl' not found
In addition: Warning messages:
1: In data.matrix(data) : NAs introduced by coercion
2: In data.matrix(data) : NAs introduced by coercion
3: In data.matrix(data) : NAs introduced by coercion
4: In data.matrix(data) : NAs introduced by coercion
5: In data.matrix(data) : NAs introduced by coercion
6: In data.matrix(data) : NAs introduced by coercion
R >>> dplyr::filter(mpg, cyl == 8)
# A tibble: 70 x 11
manufacturer model displ year cyl trans drv cty hwy fl class
<chr> <chr> <dbl> <int> <int> <chr> <chr> <int> <int> <chr> <chr>
1 audi a6 quattro 4.2 2008 8 auto(s6) 4 16 23 p midsize
2 chevrolet c1500 suburban 2wd 5.3 2008 8 auto(l4) r 14 20 r suv
3 chevrolet c1500 suburban 2wd 5.3 2008 8 auto(l4) r 11 15 e suv
4 chevrolet c1500 suburban 2wd 5.3 2008 8 auto(l4) r 14 20 r suv
5 chevrolet c1500 suburban 2wd 5.7 1999 8 auto(l4) r 13 17 r suv
6 chevrolet c1500 suburban 2wd 6.0 2008 8 auto(l4) r 12 17 r suv
7 chevrolet corvette 5.7 1999 8 manual(m6) r 16 26 p 2seater
8 chevrolet corvette 5.7 1999 8 auto(l4) r 15 23 p 2seater
9 chevrolet corvette 6.2 2008 8 manual(m6) r 16 26 p 2seater
10 chevrolet corvette 6.2 2008 8 auto(s6) r 15 25 p 2seater
# ... with 60 more rows
然后改了加载方式之后, defaultPackages
本身就有 stats
,这样就保证 stats
会先加载而 dplyr
后加载并且 filter
# customized options
options(prompt="\033[0;36mR >>> \033[0m", continue="... ")
options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE, show.signif.stars = TRUE, digits = 4)
# launch Bioconductor and set Bioconductor mirror at startup
#options(BioC_mirror="") # mighty USTC
#options(BioC_mirror="") # TUNA then
#source("") # an alternative Japanese mirror
# set CRAN mirror. Better add at least two in case that one of them stops working
options(repos=c("", "",
"", ""))
# lanuch Bioconductor may take too long, disable auto start and and define a DIY func
# to start when needed <- function(){
# useful little customized functions
cd <- setwd
pwd <- getwd
hh <- function(d) {
row_num <- min(5,nrow(d))
col_num <- min(5,ncol(d))
# load favorite packages automatically at startup
options(defaultPackages=c(getOption("defaultPackages"), 'beepr',
# display greeting message at startup
.First <- function(){
message("Welcome back, ", Sys.getenv("USER"),"!\n","Current working directory: ", getwd(),
"\nDate and time: ", format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"), "\r\n")
# display a message when all above loaded successfully
message("###### SUCCESSFULLY LOADED. LET'S DO THIS! ######")
# goodbye at closing
.Last <- function() {
cat("\nGoodbye at ", date(), "\n")
决定把配置文件也存在 GitHub 备份了。