Jack Cuthbert
Jack Cuthbert
Looks like a few people are trying to resolve this issue now (https://github.com/prisma/serverless-plugin-typescript/pull/107 is another one). The relevant code looks like it's on `src/index.ts:238` and looks good but there's quite...
Nice @zjye ! Can you drop the merge commit as well and modify the commit with the fix to be a message like: > feat: Support packaging functions individually (closes...
Hey @zjye I've tested your fix and it looks like it resolves part of the problem defined in the #42 use case where one function is defined as being packaged...
Hey @divyenduz, how do you feel about this one?
Struggled with this today (even went as far as cloning and trying to debug the package itself), hoping that I can clear this up for others having this issue. This...
Hey @giorgimode [I made a Last.fm version of SpotMyStatus](https://github.com/JackCuthbert/slack-fm) a while ago. Perhaps you could use it as inspiration (of what not to do heh) as Slack no longer supports...
I'm of the understanding that PiHole does not support regular expressions in the blocklist / hosts file format which this repo provides. I did a quick search and couldn't find...