id3-writer copied to clipboard
Quotes in Tags
It seems like Quotes in tags breaks the commandline:
Its obvious why this is happening.. maybe you should escape special characters.
{ artist: 'Julie Andrews', title: 'Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (From "Mary Poppins")', album: 'Disney Greatest Hits', genre: 'Soundtracks', year: 2014, track: 8, total: 16 }
Resulting Error: `eyeD3 --force-update --encoding utf8 -1 -2 -a "Julie Andrews" -t "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (From "Mary Poppins")" -A "Disney Greatest Hits" -G "Soundtracks" -Y 2014 -n 8 -N 16 "01. Julie Andrews - Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (From "Mary Poppins").mp3"
Error: Command failed: env eyeD3 --force-update --encoding utf8 -1 -2 -a "Julie Andrews" -t "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (From "Mary Poppins")" -A "Disney Greatest Hits" -G "Soundtracks" -Y 2014 -n 8 -N 16 "01. Julie Andrews - Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (From "Mary Poppins").mp3" usage: eyeD3 [-h] [--version] [-l LEVEL[:LOGGER]] [--exclude PATTERN] [-L] [-P NAME] [-C FILE] [--backup] [-Q] [--fs-encoding ENCODING] [--no-config] [--no-color] [--profile] [--pdb] [-a STRING] [-A STRING] [-b STRING] [-t STRING] [-n NUM] [-N NUM] [--track-offset N] [-d NUM] [-D NUM] [-G GENRE] [-Y YEAR] [-c STRING] [--rename PATTERN] [-1] [-2] [--to-v1.1] [--to-v2.3] [--to-v2.4] [--release-date DATE] [--orig-release-date DATE] [--recording-date DATE] [--encoding-date DATE] [--tagging-date DATE] [--publisher STRING] [--play-count <+>N] [--bpm N] [--unique-file-id OWNER_ID:ID] [--add-comment COMMENT[:DESCRIPTION[:LANG]] [--remove-comment DESCRIPTION[:LANG]] [--remove-all-comments] [--add-lyrics LYRICS_FILE[:DESCRIPTION[:LANG]]] [--remove-lyrics DESCRIPTION[:LANG]] [--remove-all-lyrics] [--text-frame FID:TEXT] [--user-text-frame DESC:TEXT] [--url-frame FID:URL] [--user-url-frame DESCRIPTION:URL] [--add-image IMG_PATH:TYPE[:DESCRIPTION]] [--remove-image DESCRIPTION] [--remove-all-images] [--write-images DIR] [--add-object OBJ_PATH:MIME-TYPE[:DESCRIPTION[:FILENAME]]] [--remove-object DESCRIPTION] [--write-objects DIR] [--remove-all-objects] [--add-popularity EMAIL:RATING[:PLAY_COUNT]] [--remove-popularity EMAIL] [--remove-v1] [--remove-v2] [--remove-all] [--remove-frame FID] [--max-padding NUM_BYTES] [--no-max-padding] [--encoding latin1|utf8|utf16|utf16-be] [--force-update] [-v] [--preserve-file-times] [PATH [PATH ...]] eyeD3: error: unrecognized arguments: 01. Julie Andrews - Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (From Mary Poppins).mp3`