Javier Cabrera
Javier Cabrera
Hi @shrin18 WDYT? [https://github.com/jcbeyler/wasm-to-llvm-prototype](https://github.com/jcbeyler/wasm-to-llvm-prototype)
[Cheerp](https://github.com/leaningtech/cheerp-meta): a C/C++ compiler for Web applications
[ilwasm](https://github.com/kg/ilwasm) Maps a subset of .NET CIL to WebAssembly S-expressions. Implemented as a custom code generator backend for the JSIL CIL -> JS compiler.
@satabin , we are affording this as an extra module in SWAM. The big picture is to provide both, randomization and optimization to SWAM.
> To transform wasm programs in Swam, you can use the traversal api in the [`swam.traversal`](https://swam.gnieh.org/api/swam/traversal/index.html) package. Good to have such good technical support 💪 thanks !
> I found homeworks of ETHZ's Advanced Compiler Design course are helpful. I will start from there. Add the link :)
[Simple and Efficient Construction of Static Single Assignment Form](https://pp.ipd.kit.edu/uploads/publikationen/braun13cc.pdf)