Javier Cabrera
Javier Cabrera
[SOIL](https://soil-initiative.org/) Single Open Intermediate Language project
Change the python interpreter to python3.7 instead of python3, ```python3.7 slumps.py ```. I will fix it in the doc
Should be something like this ``` docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/slumps/src/out -v $(pwd)/vulnerable_programs/report-web-assembly-memory-safety/c:/slumps/src --entrypoint /bin/bash jacarte/slumps:app ``` You are missing the second part for the vulnerabilities volume, therefore, the...
Sorry my mistake, you are overriding the src folder thats why you are not seeing the scripts slumps.py. Change the second volume to ```-v $(pwd)/:/input``` or other input folder name....
I see...try to remove the ```EMSCRIPTEN_KEEPALIVE``` annotation from the C code
Changing the entrypoint for the container bypasses the initialization of redis-server service. To launch it again, run ```nohup redis-server &``` in the bash console inside the container.
Interesting monograph about SAT and SMT solvers [https://yurichev.com/writings/SAT_SMT_by_example.pdf](https://yurichev.com/writings/SAT_SMT_by_example.pdf)
SEISMIC: SEcure In-lined Script Monitors for Interrupting Cryptojacks https://wenhao1006.github.io/publication/wang-18-esorics/wang-18-esorics.pdf
[WASABI](https://github.com/danleh/wasabi): First tool for dynamic analysis of webassembly modules, implemented in RUST