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Move data to wiki data
Wiki data contains also quite a few abbreviations:
SELECT DISTINCT ?name ?ISO_4_abbreviation WHERE {
?journal wdt:P31 wd:Q5633421;
wdt:P1160 ?ISO_4_abbreviation.
SERVICE wikibase:label {
bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en".
?journal rdfs:label ?name.
Hi, I had a couple of questions regarding this issue. Are you able to further explain what is meant by 'Add abbreviations from wiki data'? I'm hoping to better understand what is required before taking this issue
After thinking about this more, I'm actually of the opinion we should just retire our custom abbreviation collection and migrate to wiki data. In this way, we can profit from other peoples work and, conversely, give back to a larger community. So in particular:
- Push all the data that we currently have to wiki data:
- Replace the JournalListMvGenerator in the main jabref repo to get all abbreviations of all journals from wikidata
@JabRef/developers any opinions?
In general, this is a good idea.
- [ ] How much coverage does WikiData have currently in comparison to our list? - In Python, this should be easily doable IMHO.
Does the WikiData distinguish from the data sources? We distinguish from IEEE, MathSciNet and others ( I am not sure whether there are intersecting abbreviations and users want to choose their list (we had that a few years ago).
We only have the copyright for some of the data. Most of the data is coming by external sources. For instance, we update MathSciNet automatically:
- [ ] In case WikiData has 80% coverage, I opt for just closing this repository. If WikiData has less coverage, this needs more thought.
The process would be:
- Thoroughly identify each data source
- Contact the data source and ask them to put their data to WikiData.
- Keep working that the external sources are available in WikiData.