Okay, thinking about the elephant in the room: **Current Dark and Bright Themes**. Maybe users / channels could select two colours. As primary and complementary. And these will be calculated...
This happened to me today. And so what I did was to make the file internal and delete the file from the system. So keep it only inside of the...
Something like this could be very cool to be dynamic. Basically objects that are static at the moment could be excluded from Depsgraph. If there is a `bge` call for...
I did some tests: Restarted computer: Didn't help. Found what does the trick. I noticed that the white frame started when the car hit the light stand. So I did...
> we should just hide that part. What if there is a description. You know, some people use other LBRY front-ends. And they might have descriptions. I know that articles...