Closing as fixed.
This issue has had no activity for 12 months. The issue also has less than 5 up-votes by the community. No action on this enhancement is targeted for the next...
In accordance with the earlier comments, we're going to close this issue.
New link to issue: https://ibm-z-hardware-and-operating-systems.ideas.ibm.com/ideas/ZOS-I-2696
We would like to cover all applicable plug-ins. We will create a draft doc proposal.
@Joe-Winchester Is there someone from IBM we can contact for help with the DB2 plug-in?
This enhancement has had no activity for 12 months. The issue also has less than 5 up-votes by the community. No action on this enhancement is targeted for the next...
Will be migrating imperative into the CLI repo which already has an issue template. Closing out this issue.
Spike needed: 3 pts Implementation: Stretch/next PI
Plan to allow for boolean and string properties.