Adds an API that can set/get string type name to tvgPaint. This can be used when the user needs to traverse the scene tree or find a specific instance. +)...
tmate is a tool that helps debugging github actions. If CI fails, opens an ssh connection for debugging. It is difficult to predict the msvc dev environment of the window-latest...
We support finding `Paint` created via SVG using `Accessor`. However, there is no way to check which of the elements declared by paint in svg. In addition to `identifier()`, we...
flutter-tizen C# Application inherits `CoreUIApplication` and provides `FlutterApplication`. Can this changed to `NUIApplication`? - Since both are implemented by inheriting `CoreApplication`, I don't think there is a problem. - `NUIApplication`...
Flutter provides a way to render Android and IOS views in Flutter apps. android - https://docs.flutter.dev/development/platform-integration/android/platform-views iOS - https://docs.flutter.dev/development/platform-integration/ios/platform-views In Tizen, there are no specific scenarios that require this feature...
[Example] ```html ``` Our SVG loader parses the `` element at the check of validation(`header()`) and skips any `` elements it encounters thereafter. We can make `loader->doc` an array type...
in examples/Stroke.cpp ```cpp auto shape1 = tvg::Shape::gen(); shape1->appendRect(50, 50, 200, 200); shape1->fill(50, 50, 50); shape1->strokeFill(255, 255, 255); //color: r, g, b shape1->strokeJoin(tvg::StrokeJoin::Bevel); //default is Bevel shape1->strokeWidth(100000000); //width: 100000000 or 10000000...
```html .cls-2{fill:none;} .cls-3{fill:#1a73e8;} .cls-4, .cls-8{fill:#f00;} .cls-4{opacity:0.2;isolation:isolate;} .cls-5{fill:#1a237e;fill-opacity:0.2;}.cls-6{fill:#185abc;}.cls-7{fill:#f1f3f4;}.cls-9{fill:#bdc1c6;} ``` In this case both .cls-4 and .cls-8 should be declared with `fill:#f00;`. Both cls-4 and cls-8 can be used as classes. ```...
```html ``` A class can be declared a space-separated set of classes. https://www.w3.org/TR/SVG2/styling.html#ElementSpecificStyling https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/common-microsyntaxes.html#set-of-space-separated-tokens In the above case, both C and D must be applied, so stoke color and width...
```cpp auto line1 = tvg::Shape::gen(); line1->strokeCap(tvg::StrokeCap::Round); line1->strokeWidth(70); // case 1 line1->moveTo(100, 100); line1->close(); // case 2 line1->moveTo(100, 200); line1->lineTo(100, 200); line1->close(); // case 3 line1->moveTo(200, 100); line1->lineTo(200 + 1, 100...