rehype-toc copied to clipboard
How should return Jsx.Element for customizeTOC ?
Thanks for this awesome plugin, and I'm trying to wrap a <motion.div> for created TOC, but for some reason, It seems does not support the feature. Here is my related code:
interface NodeTree {
type: string;
properties: {
[key: string]: any;
children: (NodeTree | string)[];
function renderNodeTree(nodeTree: NodeTree): JSX.Element {
const { type, properties, children } = nodeTree;
const childElements = (children || []).map((child) => {
if (typeof child === 'string') {
return child;
} else {
return renderNodeTree(child);
return React.createElement(type, properties, ...childElements);
function customizeTOC(toc:NodeTree){
const tocJsx = renderNodeTree(toc)
// return <motion.div>{tocJsx}</motion.div>
return "Hello"
// console.log('[toc]: ',tocJsx)
children={contentStr || ''}
Thanks again!