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EU's Type-Approving vehicle simulator predicting NEDC CO2 emissions from WLTP

.. image:: doc/_static/image/banner.png :width: 100%

.. _start-info:

###################################################################### |co2mpas|: Vehicle simulator predicting NEDC |CO2| emissions from WLTP ###################################################################### :release: 4.3.5 :rel_date: 2023-11-13 15:00:00 :home: :repository: :pypi-repo: :keywords: |CO2|, fuel-consumption, WLTP, NEDC, vehicle, automotive, EU, JRC, IET, STU, correlation, back-translation, policy, monitoring, M1, N1, simulator, engineering, scientific :mail box: [email protected] :team: .. include:: AUTHORS.rst :copyright: 2015-2023 European Commission (JRC <>) :license: EUPL 1.1+ <>

.. _end-info: .. _start-intro:

What is |co2mpas|?

|co2mpas| is backward-looking longitudinal-dynamics |CO2| and fuel-consumption simulator for light-duty M1 & N1 vehicles (cars and vans), specially crafted to estimate the CO2 emissions of vehicles undergoing NEDC testing based on the emissions produced WLTP testing during :term:type-approval, according to the :term:EU legislation\s 1152/EUR/2017 and 1153/EUR/2017 (see History_ section, below).

It is an open-source project (EUPL 1.1+ <>_) developed for Python-3.6+. It runs either as a console command or as a desktop GUI application, and it uses Excel-files or pure python structures (dictionary and lists) for its input & output data.


The European Commission has introduced the WLTP as the test procedure for the type I test of the European type-approval of Light-duty vehicles as of September 2017. Its introduction has required the adaptation of |CO2| certification and monitoring procedures set by European regulations (443/2009, 510/2011, 1152/EUR/2017 and 1153/EUR/2017). European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) has been assigned the development of this vehicle simulator to facilitate this adaptation.

The European Regulation setting the conditions for using |co2mpas| can be found in the Comitology Register <>_ after its adoption by the Climate Change Committee which took place on June 23, 2016, and its 2nd vote for modifications, in April 27, 2017.

.. _end-intro: .. _start-install:


.. _start-install-dev:

To install |co2mpas| use (with root privileges):

.. code-block:: console

$ pip install co2mpas

Or download the latest git version and use (with root privileges):

.. code-block:: console

$ python install

Install extras ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Some additional functionality is enabled installing the following extras:

  • cli: enables the command line interface.
  • sync: enables the time series synchronization tool (i.e., syncing <>_ previously named datasync).
  • gui: enables the graphical user interface.
  • plot: enables to plot the |co2mpas| model and the workflow of each run.
  • io: enables to read/write excel files.
  • driver: enables the driver model (currently is not available).

To install co2mpas and all extras, do:

.. code-block:: console

$ pip install 'co2mpas[all]'

.. _end-install-dev: .. _end-install: .. _start-quick:

Quick Start

The following steps are basic commands to get familiar with |co2mpas| procedural workflow using the command line interface:

  • Run_
  • Input file_
  • Data synchronization_


To run |co2mpas| with some sample data, you have to:

  1. Generate some demo files inside the ./input folder, to get familiar with the input data (for more info check the link <_build/co2mpas/co2mpas.cli.html#co2mpas-demo>__)::

    Generate the demo files and open a demo file.

    $ co2mpas demo ./input $ start ./input/co2mpas_conventional.xlsx

  2. Run |co2mpas| and inspect the results in the ./output folder. The workflow is plotted on the browser (for more info check the link <_build/co2mpas/co2mpas.cli.html#co2mpas-run>__)::

    Run co2mpas and open the output folder.

    $ co2mpas run ./input/co2mpas_conventional.xlsx -O ./output -PL $ start ./output

.. image:: _static/image/output_workflow.png :width: 100% :alt: Output workflow :align: center

Input file

To create an input file with your data, you have to:

  1. Generate an empty input template file (i.e., vehicle.xlsx) inside the ./input folder::

    Generate template file.

    $ co2mpas template ./input/vehicle.xlsx -TT input

  2. Follow the instructions provided in the excel file to fill the required inputs::

    Open the input template.

    $ start ./input/vehicle.xlsx

.. image:: _static/image/input_template.png :width: 100% :alt: Input template :align: center

Data synchronization

To synchronize the dyno and OBD data with the theoretical cycle, you have to:

  1. Generate a synchronization template file wltp.xlsx::

    Generate template file.

    $ co2mpas syncing template ./to_sync/wltp.xlsx -CT wltp -WC class3b -GB automatic

    .. note:: With the command above, the file contains the theoretical WLTP velocity profile for an automatic vehicle of class3b. For more info type co2mpas syncing template -h or click the link <_build/co2mpas/co2mpas.cli.html#co2mpas-syncing-template>__

  2. Fill the dyno and obd sheets with the relative data collected in the laboratory::

    Open the input template.

    $ start ./to_sync/wltp.xlsx

  3. Synchronize the data with the theoretical velocity profile::

    $ co2mpas syncing sync ./to_sync/wltp.xlsx ./sync/wltp.sync.xlsx

  4. Copy/Paste the synchronized data (wltp.sync.xlsx) contained in the synced sheet into the relative sheet of the input template::

    Open the synchronized data.

    $ start ./sync/wltp.sync.xlsx

.. _end-quick: .. _start-sub: .. |co2mpas| replace:: CO\ :sub:2\ MPAS .. |CO2| replace:: CO\ :sub:2 .. _end-sub: