mathematica-notebook-filter copied to clipboard
Filter Mathematica notebooks to commit them more easily
is a program written in
Rust that parses Mathematica notebook files and
strips them of superfluous information so that they can be committed into
version control systems more easily. Instructions to integrate this program
into version control systems can be found below and can be set
up so that this is all done transparently without modifying the file on disk.
Licensed under GPLv3.
This program has not been rigorously tested. It works for me on all my Notebooks, but there may still be some situations which have not been accounted for. If you use this program, please let me know (both good and bad feedback).
Version control systems (such as git and mercurial among many others) provide a fantastic way to keep track of changes to files in such a way that multiple people can collaborate on them without accidentally overwriting other people's changes. Version control systems primarily keep track of source code and if two people change the same file, it is possible to compare the two files side-by-side so that the changes can be merged.
Although binary files (such as compiled outputs, images, PDFs, ...) can be included in a version control system too, it is generally not possible or meaningful to compare two sets of changes to one binary file. As a result, binary files are quite opaque to version control systems and it is inadvisable to store binary files in a version control system if they will be changed frequently.
This is specifically an issue for Mathematica notebooks as they store both inputs and outputs in the same file. A quite typical example of this is the simple input:
Plot[Sin[x] / x, {x, -4 Pi, 4 Pi}]
which, when plotted, is stored in the Notebook file as:
GraphicsBox[{{{{}, {},
{RGBColor[0.368417, 0.506779, 0.709798], AbsoluteThickness[1.6],
Opacity[1.], LineBox[CompressedData["<omitted>"]],
"Charting`Private`Tag$5185#1"]& ], {}}, {{}, {}, {}}}, {}, {}},
AspectRatio->NCache[GoldenRatio^(-1), 0.6180339887498948],
Axes->{True, True},
AxesLabel->{None, None},
AxesOrigin->{0, 0},
Frame->{{False, False}, {False, False}},
FrameLabel->{{None, None}, {None, None}},
Charting`ScaledFrameTicks[{Identity, Identity}]}, {Automatic,
Charting`ScaledFrameTicks[{Identity, Identity}]}},
GridLines->{None, None},
GrayLevel[0.5, 0.4]],
"DefaultBoundaryStyle" -> Automatic, "DefaultMeshStyle" ->
AbsolutePointSize[6], "ScalingFunctions" -> None,
"CoordinatesToolOptions" -> {"DisplayFunction" -> ({
(Identity[#]& )[
Part[#, 1]],
(Identity[#]& )[
Part[#, 2]]}& ), "CopiedValueFunction" -> ({
(Identity[#]& )[
Part[#, 1]],
(Identity[#]& )[
Part[#, 2]]}& )}},
NCache[{{(-4) Pi, 4 Pi}, {-0.21723358083481298`,
0.9999892952885239}}, {{-12.566370614359172`,
12.566370614359172`}, {-0.21723358083481298`, 0.9999892952885239}}],
Scaled[0.02]}, {
Ticks->{Automatic, Automatic}]
Note that the above snippet was significantly abbreviated as the compressed base-64 encoded data is an additional 300 lines or so.
For the version control system, this large output is extremely cumbersome as a
small change in the input (such as replacing Sin[x]
with Sin[2 x]
) will
produce a 300+ line diff. The purpose of mathematica-notebook-filter
specifically to avoid such large diffs and try and make them much more
meaningful. It does so by parsing the Mathematica notebook file format and
removing all the output cells and metadata. The program is implemented in
Rust and distributed on
Having said that, it should be noted that Mathematica unfortunately does not store the input in a very simple form as it not only stores the plain Mathematica expression, but also stores formatting information. As a concrete example, an input cell with the above plot function will be stored in the Notebook file as:
RowBox[{"Plot", "[",
RowBox[{"Sin", "[", "x", "]"}], "x"], ",",
RowBox[{"x", ",",
RowBox[{"-", "4"}], "Pi"}], ",",
RowBox[{"4", "Pi"}]}], "}"}]}], "]"}]], "Input"]
The change of Sin[x]
to Sin[2 x]
results in the cell now being stored as:
RowBox[{"Plot", "[",
RowBox[{"Sin", "[",
RowBox[{"2", "x"}], "]"}], "x"], ",",
RowBox[{"x", ",",
RowBox[{"-", "4"}], "Pi"}], ",",
RowBox[{"4", "Pi"}]}], "}"}]}], "]"}]], "Input"]
This program, at least at this stage, will not strip the extra formatting
information. If you wish to avoid the above, then you should save your
notebooks as scripts files (with extension .wl
or .m
Usage Notes
parses Mathematica notebook files (usually stored
with the extension .nb
) and strips all generated outputs and other metadata.
By default, the program reads from standard input and outputs to standard
output. Additional usage information can be obtained from
mathematica-notebook-filter --help
Although it is possible to use mathematica-notebook-filter
manually, it is
designed to be integrated with version control systems (see
below for instructions) such that Notebooks are first piped
through the filter before the diffs are generated. This is specifically
designed so that original file is left untouched with all outputs and metadata
remaining, and the filter effectively makes the version control system blind to
the extra content.
If you wish to run it manually, a simple call would be:
mathematica-notebook-filter -i my_notebook.nb -o my_notebook_cleaned.nb
If both input and output files are identical, the program will first output to a temporary file and only after successfully parsing the whole input will the original file be replaced.
This program does not parse the Wolfram language in general and is specific to
full Mathematica notebooks; thus it makes some fairly strong assumptions about
the functions that will be found and their order. It only parses a single
Notebook at a time and will stop after the end of the first Notebook. If an
error is encountered during the parsing, mathematica-notebook-filter
will exit
with a non-zero code and the output will be left incomplete.
It also should be re-iterated that the best way to commit Mathematica code to a
version control system is to save the code in script files (.wl
or .m
When doing so, Mathematica save the file in a very simple format (essentially a
plain text file), without the superfluous formatting information and without
outputs. This unfortunately has the disadvantage that the Notebook interface is
not available.
Also note that Mathematica notebooks allow you to copy-paste graphics (such as
generated plots) and use them as inputs. If you do so, the version control
system will be forced to include the full plot in the diff, thereby defeating
the point of mathematica-notebook-filter
. An alternative to copy-pasting
outputs is to store the output into a variable, or use %
(and %%
, %%%
...) to refer to the previous output (though make sure to only use %
the one cell and not across cells as %
refers to the last generated output,
not the previous output in the Notebook order).
This program is written in Rust. Probably the easiest way to install Rust is to use the script. Once set up, it should simply be a matter of running
cargo install mathematica-notebook-filter
This will download, compile, and install mathematica-notebook-filter
in your
Cargo home direction (~/.cargo
by default on Linux). Assuming you have
correctly set up your PATH variable (which should have done
automatically), then you can execute the program by typing
It is possible to set attributes based on pattern globs. In this instance, we
want to make sure that all *.nb
files are processed by this filter before
being committed. To globally set the attribute, add to ~/.gitattributes
*.nb filter=dropoutput_nb
and to your ~/.gitconfig
[filter "dropoutput_nb"]
clean = mathematica-notebook-filter
smudge = cat
Pull requests to add instructions for other version control system are welcome.
The Wolfram Research organization unfortunately does not appear to offer any specification to their language or their file formats. As a result, this filter was entirely developed by inspecting outputs generated by Mathematica. Specifically, this was developed using Mathematica 11.1 and thus there is no guarantee that this filter will work with past or future version of the Notebook file format.
If you find a bug, please feel free to open an issue though please provide enough information to reproduce the bug or a minimal example of a Notebook file that causes the issue.
Pull requests to improve compatibility with other versions (or to fix bugs) are very welcome. If you find a bug, please feel free to open an issue and make sure to provide enough information to reproduce the bug or a minimal example of a Notebook file that causes the issue.