J0J0 Todos
J0J0 Todos
> > I'm sorry for posting this as an issue here, I would have rather opened a discussion about it, if that where available here. > > > > We...
I'll post a report when not AFK
@MikeMcQuaid for example, I recently tried to install `brew install nvim` which is a very long running process on my machine, it downloads, compiles and does whatever `brew` requires to...
Thanks for getting this started!
> checklist of what's been planned/already done so far: > > * [x] password > * [x] display name > * [x] avatar URL > ... Nice summary! Why not...
> > Conclusive thoughts: If there are verbs in a command they are self-descriptive. Eg. `user deactivate` > > If there are not they are not 100% obvious what they...
Ah ok, not sure how you ment that. You will move the checklist up into the description once it's finished? Anyway, all good, work away! :-)
Please go ahead with implementation and just use what you suggested / we have so far! Yes we could think out for ages on how commands should be named :-)...
> Just realized, user modify API can also create users. Not sure how we'll deal with that, we might have to keep the user modify command around and possibly also...
> > Just realized, user modify API can also create users. Not sure how we'll deal with that, we might have to keep the user modify command around and possibly...